If so, why? Just to have your own private server for you and friends, or to spin up a public server for a specific topic?

  • Maya
    114 years ago

    I haven’t decided. I like having control and being able to shove in dumb CSS. on the other hand, the thing that would be really valuable to me would be fostering an alt community (music/art/fashion), but I don’t know if I have the guts for that much moderation work.

  • @SirLotsaLocks
    84 years ago

    I’d consider doing it but if I did it would mainly be for me because I wouldn’t be able to guarantee stability

    • @racoon
      -14 years ago

      According to the practice of the concurrent websites, the secret recipe for success seems to be to make as mod a pedophile child trafficker for the elites.

  • @ybaumy
    4 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @SloppilyFlossOP
      34 years ago

      I took a look at your instance and looks pretty cool! It would be great as another leftist space. You should definitely post it on !lemmy_instances@lemmy.ml again once federation rolls out so people can join in.

      • @ybaumy
        4 years ago

        deleted by creator

  • @telefunk
    44 years ago

    I would most likely make one. I like seeing how things run and have really liked the project. I really like the format. As much as I tried to get into mastodon and the others, they never really clicked for me.

  • @wraptile
    4 years ago

    Probably, if there isn’t a good one yet. I’m planning on forking lemmy and an instance with some patches - like removing the childish “slur filter” and other awful design decisions that by the looks of it are not going to be addressed ever.

    I’m not very fond of current administration which seems very socially inept which is kinda ironic for a social network project. I’d kinda prefer more community focused, apolitical and friendlier community which hopefully will happen with federation support if it’s ever implemented.

    Edit: so many down-votes and admin replies just kinda proves my point here 🙄

      • @wraptile
        4 years ago

        Most of my posts are political because 90% of posts on lemmy are political. That’s like asking why most of your purchases are cheeses at the cheese shop 😂

        In fact if you take a look at my profile I’d argue it’s far from being most of my posts (I’m not even subscribed to a single political community). I even moderate multiple communities not a single one of which is political.

      • @wraptile
        4 years ago

        You somehow imply that swearing is the opposite of friendlyness. Just think for a moment where do you swear the most? Amongst friends! 😁

          • @wraptile
            4 years ago

            You should take a look at the slur list in lemmy’s codebase

            Obviously I cannot quote here because apparently meta discussion is against the rules but as you can see there are a lot of words that are far from being slurs on that list.

            Language is highly contextual and dynamic. I thought we already figured out in the 90s that “badword” filters don’t work and are absurd; yet here we are!

            Finally it’s a hardcoded list of words which is just silly and amateur no matter how you look at it. For example you are not able to start a non-english instance of lemmy without hard fork of it because of hard-coded slur list that will capture non-english words.
            The slur detection is very amateur as well that can be avoided by a single extra character (like empty unicode characters) so it requires manual moderation anyway — why is the filter even there if the only thing it’ll catch is false positives? It’s just such a perplexing UX design that is nothing but a virtue signaling.

          • Maya
            34 years ago

            for the record, I have made friends on forums like this!

            didn’t really involve slurs much tho. or even really a lot of swearing. so. not a counterexample 🤔

            • DessalinesA
              44 years ago

              Removed your use of a sexist slur. Consider this your first warning.

              • @wraptile
                4 years ago

                context matters — it was a meta discussion about the word. I didn’t call anyone “slur word” or whatever. For someone being against fascists you sure act a lot like one, kinda proved my point perfectly.

                For other people you can check context in the modlog:

                Of course you can’t know what it was because apparently saying the word is against the rules lol; here’s a hint though: