• Ratette (she/her)
    2 years ago

    Obligatory codec call from MGS: Peacewalker where Snake has only glowing respect for the work of revolutionaries such as El Che.


    I can’t say with confidence that Kojima is a Comrade but he’s based.

    Apparently a far right French political posted this and other papers have ran with it before he deleted the tweet (presumably after being told he’s a racist sack of shit).

    • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
      132 years ago

      At the same time Snake also actively fought Soviet military (in USSR no less) and had a plot with them trying to take over/nuke the world, no?

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        152 years ago

        Keep in mind the entire time the US was also being secretly run by a shadow government to create international conflict to justify military interventionism. Spoiler alert.

      • Ratette (she/her)
        2 years ago

        I dunno, that’s not how I saw snake eater. 1 game with the Soviets as a secondary antagonist/backdrop and even then they are an ultra nationalist group that have splintered away. The main plots and enemy of 3 are the US and naked snake leaves after the mission realising how corrupt they are.

        Most of the games the US are the baddies or if they aren’t the baddies they are controlling the events behind the scenes including the one with the ussr in so 🤷 one game against the Soviets vs like 4 where its either the us or the people the us are manipulating to me doesn’t flag kojima as an anti communist.

    • @Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
      162 years ago

      Nah, but certain takes like particular Metal Gear stories, especially MGR, and Death Stranding for example have very interesting ring to them if you are willing to perceive them in a certain way.

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        22 years ago

        I don’t think Kojima had anything to do with MGR, but yes Death Stranding has some pretty interesting commentary.

        • @Kind_Stone@lemmygrad.ml
          32 years ago

          He had a lot to do with it, since it’s pretty much built on top of other MGS pieces. It continues the story themes from the previous games anyways. He influenced the development to a certain degree too, iirc.

          Death Stranding is pretty funny, by the way, since the story leaves a very strong impression in the end that Muricah is a shithole that serves the interests of a small pack of assholes and even after the apocalypse keeps tangling people in its web with lies and hypocritical bullshit. Pretty cool for a supposedly mainstream game funded by a mainstream corpo, I would say.

          • ☭CommieWolf☆
            12 years ago

            From what I’ve read, he initially wanted to have a more hands on involvement with MGR, but because of development demands for peace walker he ultimately only served as executive producer, and pretty much his only input was setting the expectations for gameplay and tone, and hiring the developers who actually made MGR what it is.

            No disrespect to Kojima, but MGR is firmly a product of Etsu Tamari and Atushi Inaba, who wrote the bulk of the script and plot.