The mozilla blog indicates total cookie protection is now on by default, but I’m wondering what does that mean. Whether it means we shouldn’t touch anything from the enhanced tracking protection, or strict keeps being the safest bet?

I don’t read in the blog anything about special settings, so I’m just wondering if we just got that on both, Firefox and Librewolf, without common settings to worry about enabling/disabling the behavior…

  • @fishonthenetM
    2 years ago

    yup TCP is now default for all FF (and LW) modes now, which is great!

    we are going to stick with strict tho, it has other good things going for it and little to no downsides.

    • @kixikOP
      2 years ago

      I like ETP Strict Mode, :)

      Perhaps part of ETP Strict Mode are now by default. Is hard to say from those blogs, Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all users worldwide, and Firefox 86 Introduces Total Cookie Protection.

      It looks like ETP Strict Mode already covers for TCP, and that somehow the pieces providing TCP from Strict Mode have been made default on latest FF. That been said, I’m glad LW is sticking with Strict Mode. It still looks the safest, :) I do believe the new blog post should have clarified that people staying with Strict Mode still get TCP, but even more than that, staying even safer, to avoid confusions on Strict Mode users…

      Thanks !