Hello! Welcome to the privacy community c/privatelife which will serve to advocate privacy, security and freedom in an concise manner, free of prejudice bias, free of politics, free of cultist thoughts.

All discussion is allowed freely, however common sense is appreciated when discussing sensitive topic like this. Follow the simple rules in sidebar.

Happy posting and discussing.

      • @TheAnonymouseJokerOPM
        44 years ago

        Are you the skely person? I am interested in helping a platform that helps break the forum monopoly of cesspool that is reddit.

          • @TheAnonymouseJokerOPM
            44 years ago

            It is alright. You cannot advertise free work like a shill would.

            “Destroying” is not a correct terminology. It only creates enemies and cults. Do not shoot the messenger.

            Be factual and people will get attracted to you for speaking the truth and advocating true privacy and freedom. Ideals are universal truths. They are our greatest weapons.

              • @TheAnonymouseJokerOPM
                44 years ago

                The big problem of privacy and FOSS communities is closed source cult brigading them, and no steps taken by community or moderators to punish them. This becomes easier to do on a platform like Reddit where half audience is from US, another 30% is from Western Europe (US friends) and the rest is rest of the Eastern world.

                • @nutomicA
                  44 years ago

                  I’m definitely not a fan of proprietary software, so this should be better than Reddit at the very least :)

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOPM
      34 years ago

      This community is an extension of my privacy subreddit that is aimed to annihilate the Apple/Google/Brave and other cult shilling that is allowed to flourish on the mainstream privacy subreddits. I will handle it from here, folks. We must stick together to beat the shills.