• @TheConquestOfBed
    232 years ago
    1. Liberalism and Conservatism are just two competing strategies for maintaining the imperialist status quo. Trying to make these arguments that conservatives aren’t “as bad” just makes you look like a conservative.

    2. Conservatives excel at grifting their followers. If you pay for cable you’re technically paying Fox News to propagandize your grandpa. The Proud Boys fundraise through Christian “charities.” It turns their income streams into a black box where you’re not entirely sure what parts of it are legit due to the number of hands it passes through.

  • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
    232 years ago

    Rockefeller, Ford, and Gates, famously funding their workers to organise for the common ownership of the means of production.

    • DankZedong
      232 years ago

      Ford was actually collaborating with the socialist party in Germany. The National Socialist German Workers’ Party actually

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          92 years ago

          Ford’s factories in Germany have used “ostarbeiters” during the war, aka Soviet POWs, taken to Germany as slave labour

          • @redtea@lemmygrad.ml
            72 years ago

            At least this story is not getting worse.

            Are these the USians who were compensated after the war because their German factories were destroyed?

            • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
              62 years ago

              Don’t have that information, sorry. Although it does sound plausible that the likes of aforementioned Ford would get compensated, I don’t have such data.

  • @Flinch@lemmygrad.ml
    142 years ago

    you can tell patsocs are dipshits because they’re “patriotic” about this shithole country. like damn, which are you more proud of, our mass shooting deaths per capita, or our covid cases? nazbol dipshits with shitty 4th of July plastic party glasses on, I swear to Christ.

      • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
        42 years ago

        Being patriotic towards a liberated nation that embraces socialism is fine. But there is nothing to be proud of regarding the USA.

    • ButtigiegMineralMap
      2 years ago

      Literally as an American there’s nothing to be proud of. We’re doing God awful right now and don’t even bother looking back in history for a time where we were cool, WW2 and beating the Brits in 1700s and 1800s was kinda cool, but both of those had a lot of fucked up stuff going on. Any era, USA is indefensible. Starts out by basically committing genocide against Indigenous peoples on a mass scale, deporting them to mere patches of land on a continent that they lived. Then the slavery and biased requirements for leadership and suppression of voting.Their Rampant Imperialism in South America and the East. The Evangelicals, the Blair Mtn massacre, May Day riots in Chicago. Then onto the Internment Camps, nuking innocent civilians, I could go on and on but you get the point, we’re basically the most dangerous nation on Earth with a bad history, not that any country has a particularly great history anyways, but considering how late the US did all that stuff, it’s pretty shameful in the short time that we’ve existed as a country.

    • @TheConquestOfBed
      132 years ago

      I think Haz is trying to say libs are worse than conservatives…for reasons.

        • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.ml
          122 years ago

          And can we ve honest? It is a huge insult to the intelligence of Both MAGA people and liberal people to assume that they dont understand their own vision or they dont REALLY know what they want.

          Marxism isnt infalllibly compelling. There are PLENTY of people who have cracked open the theory and walked away particularly repulsed by the notions.

          PatSocs need to start believing that conservatives might actually mean what they say.

            • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
              2 years ago

              It probably has less likely to do with income numbers than it does where that income comes from. It’s the workers that have their wealth tied to the stock market which gives them more of an interest in preserving capitalism.

              But that doesn’t mean they are “hopeless.” Communist revolutionary ideas can and have existed among all classes, even the bourgeoisie.

            • @jucheguevara@lemmygrad.ml
              72 years ago

              this demonstrates how seldom you speak with construction workers, I’ve found that my construction buddies are far more receptive towards marxism than my well-educated liberal peers who I fucking hate

            • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.mlOP
              52 years ago

              That’s not necessarily true. 50k doesn’t go that far in the US. They could be deprogrammed and see they would be better off if the workers ran the company.

              It’s an uphill battle, but you also can’t just write off everyone. Most people can’t even accurately describe capitalism.

                • There is no “lost cause”, anyone who is working class can be convinced in the right material conditions. Once the unequal exchange from imperialism disappears due to revolutions in the third world, theyll be convinced. Stop it with the third worldism.

    • @jucheguevara@lemmygrad.ml
      32 years ago

      that the bourgeoisie has constructed artificial controlled opposition within the progressive movement, similar to the Congress for Cultural Freedom

  • @gun
    82 years ago

    What’s the problem with this? It’s public knowledge Democrats have far outfunded Republicans by millions in every presidential election since 2004.

      • @gun
        22 years ago

        Biden may not be a socialist, but how many self described socialists voted for Biden?

  • @housefinch@lemmygrad.ml
    82 years ago

    They’re confused all right, I remember was a patsoc dude on reddit that was simping for Patriotfront (actual Neonazis) a while back, before recent events.

    Can’t seem to distinguish the future that still needs to be built vs the current imperialist horseshit. Met one in real life a many years back, the guy honestly believed the US was the most socialist nation on earth, an AES and supported some AES but not CN or Cuba. He mentioned he read, which confused me and just sort of walked away like WUT. We were working on something technical, so I quickly realized it was a functional literacy issue.

    I realize functional literacy in the US and elsewhere is shitty on purpose, but dang, Idk what to suggest in that case. Feels insulting to tell people to learn2 actually read :/

    I also realize some is malicious (like the shit on reddit) and has parallels to what the Nazis would do in Germany in appropriating socialist imagery and jargon to push their line.