• AgreeableLandscape☭OP
    2 years ago

    Reddit surprisingly based for once.

    The same organization that knew about the January 6th insurrection and said and did nothing?

    The same organization that failed to stop attacks on abortion clinics

    It’s almost like they want the people to fight each other instead of the ruling class.

    DHS is a gestapo created by the fucking patriot act by the fascist lite crew from the first stolen presidency of the milenium. It should be abolished along with ICE

    Or all those times doctors who worked at women’s health clinics were murdered and clinics were bombed. Nah it’s only an issue now

    I will give you a better one. Children getting murdered very other week, nah just a minor issue. Children not even born, thats the most important issue we have and we need to stop the murder of unborn children, so they can get murdered in schools instead.

    Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. - JFK

    Brah DHS and HSI is full of some of the biggest red pillers I’ve ever met. If anything they’ll be right there trying to instigate. That whole department relies on crime to stay funded. When it can’t be found, it has to be made.

      • AgreeableLandscape☭OP
        102 years ago

        That’s the paradox of the West. Every single one of their major rights, as well as the existence of their countries, have been the result of violent force. But any more violent force is totally inappropriate, no matter how tyrannical their government is!