• @KommandoGZD@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago


    Picture of grass with like 0 calories

    Bro like wild herbs are awesome and good on them for touching grass, but some green shit from the local dog toilet doesn’t feed a billion people lmao

  • Breadbeard
    322 years ago

    so that’s clearly a grass roots movement. sustained by grass roots

  • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    262 years ago

    Ok so like, dandelions are actually completely edible and so are some other “weeds” so I get where they coming from but I wouldn’t go picking plants out of some random field no knowing what that fields been used for or what kind of pesticides/herbicides, etc, has been put on that shit. And a little rinse of water isn’t gonna just make that ok.

    • @housefinch@lemmygrad.ml
      82 years ago

      In urban areas or by busy streets exhaust can add toxins to any foragebles.

      Hate to shit on dandelions, alas, with anarchists its mostly flowery (hehe) idea and shit execution.

      Foraged early spring the leaves make a decent spinach substitute and if you clean, slice, and toast the roots in a pan it makes a barely acceptable creamy decaf coffee substitute if you’re ever in need of one, battered and fried the flowers aren’t too bad.

      • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        32 years ago

        Oh yeah, I never said they were an ideal food source. Just that they were edible. Like you could eat them any time but only in early spring before they go to seed will they taste the best. Basically the same for carrots and some other tubers. If they go to flower/seed and overwinter they usually become way less ideal to eat.

        • @housefinch@lemmygrad.ml
          32 years ago

          100%. Another common one is wild grape leaf, if you don’t eat them when they first come out they develop an inedible fibrous texture. Though grape leaves are yummy when stuff or fried.

    • @yangchadui@lemmygrad.ml
      22 years ago

      You think there might be more pesticides and herbicides on some random dandelion than the food that you buy from a grocery store?

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
      42 years ago

      It’s actually pretty easy to make your own soap too. And if you eat meat, collecting the excess fat and rendering/purifying it and making soap out of it is a good idea anyway cause it’s just one less thing being wasted. Like I’m one person and I don’t even eat that much meat and I still have several jars of tallow and lard I have saved up. Made lard soap with some extra coconut oil not that long ago. Boiled a bunch of lemongrass down and used the water for the soap and it smells fairly decent. Just a slight hint of lemonyness to it. Only cost was the lue and that’s shits dirt cheap and goes a LONG way. Like a miniscule fraction of the bottle for like 20 bars worth of soap.

      • @whoami@lemmygrad.ml
        42 years ago

        I mean I get you’re point…I just find it odd that someone can “forage” for what looks like grass while also buying shitty mass produced bars of soap

  • @gun
    52 years ago

    Jokes on you! Not only do I go outside and touch grass, I eat it too!