• @dmdeemer@diggit.xyz
    610 months ago

    I’ve been learning Rust for a few weeks now, so next year I can take that survey and say that I love Rust, too.

  • @kevincox
    62 years ago

    One key fact to remember is that this stat is likely aided by the fact that few people are forced to use Rust by their job or similar. I’m sure if less enterprises used Java that a higher percentage of people would like to continue using it.

    That being said I do love Rust, it is currently my preferred language for most things. But this number is likely a bit inflated compared to some other direct comparisons.

    • @janosimas
      22 years ago

      You are right but you also have to consider that if people are not forced to use Rust, they are using by choice. Using Rust as hobby or experiment and continue using it, scores some points to Rust.

  • Vi+OP
    62 years ago

    Also, Rust (17.6%) got ahead of Python (17.59%), TypeScript (17.03%), Go (16.41%), and JavaScript (12.98%) in “the most wanted technology” category too!

  • Tywele
    410 months ago

    As someone who doesn’t know Rust, only C#. What makes Rust so loved?

      • @Starfighter@discuss.tchncs.de
        10 months ago

        Even more important is the quality of the standard toolchain. It comes with nearly everything you will ever need and makes development and reproducibility much much easier than the toolchains encountered with other languages.

        Take the compiler error messages for example. Cargo is a breeze against the dependency complications when working with make. Or how many packages come with useful rustdoc pages on docs.rs.

  • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
    42 years ago

    I wonder how much available alternatives within the domain the language serves play a role here. Rust is mainly competing against C and C++, and most people would presumably see Rust as a huge improvement.

    • @incici
      32 years ago

      I was recently introduced to Rust. It feels amazing. It’s like “let’s do c++ from scratch, but with everything we learned in the past 30 years”.

  • andreottica
    32 years ago

    Buenas noches, que tiene de especial RUST ??

    • IngrownMink4
      32 years ago

      Rust es rápido y eficiente con la memoria (viene sin runtime, ni colector de basura). También tiene un sistema de tipos y un modelo de propiedad (ownership) que garantizan seguridad de memoria y seguridad de hilos, que le permiten al desarrollador eliminar muchas clases de bugs en tiempo de compilación. Además la comunidad es maravillosa, la documentación es excelente y el rendimiento es a veces superior con Rust que con C++. Aparte de eso, Rust es un lenguaje de programación más «verde» que C++.