Hey everyone! Three months have passed since January 1st. I’ve evaluated the “Libre Culture Lemmy Book and/or Film Club” posts comments, and I think it’s safe to say that our book of choice is Blindsight by Peter Watts.

You can get a copy here (I think. Let me know if these are the right links):

Please note and respect that the book is under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 license.

Let’s discuss! Here are a few prompts to get us started:

  • How did you feel when reading this book?
  • Did any moments, characters or ideas stand out to you?
  • Do you notice any themes or symbolism?
  • If you had the chance to contact the author and ask them any questions, what would they be?

While this community is wonderful in the sense that it’s certainly a welcome and friendly environment, due to my past experiences on Reddit, I’d like to quickly remind everyone that the downvote button is for posts that sabotage discussion, not for posts that you disagree with.