You are being watched. Private and state-sponsored organizations are monitoring and recording your online activities. PrivacyTools provides services, tools and knowledge to protect your privacy against global mass surveillance.

  • @cipherpunk
    4 years ago

    privacytools is not a good site to send ppl to. They endorse a lot of bad players. The site is rife with entities that privacy seekers should be avoiding. They use a Microsoft Github repo to manage bug reports. Have a look at the bug reports. Experts expose lots of privacy abuses in bug reports and the amateur sell-outs in control of the commits ignore them. They not only show poor judgement by endorsing privacy abusers who work directly against their mission, but they also neglect to enumerate the traps and pitfalls on the endorsement pages.

    It’s plainly evident when you navigate that there’s a serious credibility problem. Amid the bad endorsements (e.g. DDG, Signal), you see links to Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft Github, Microsoft LinkedIn, Amazon-hosted Reddit.

    • @oriondOP
      14 years ago

      Did not know all that, thanks for the info. I would like to know what is wrong with Signal, but I guess I will make a whole new post for that.