• Arthur BesseA
    2 years ago

    The current link in this post goes to a year-old story about the online translation feature… here is the same site’s coverage of this week’s news - which is that there is now offline translation support: https://www.ghacks.net/2022/05/30/firefox-translations-firefoxs-offline-translate-feature-is-making-progress/ (i assume this is what OP actually meant to post). (edit: OP fixed the post’s link)

    Here is a web page that loads their wasm translation engline and does the actual translation offline (and it does work in the stable release of Firefox). It’s irritating that the extension still requires a nightly firefox build, as I’d like to use it in my daily browsing but I don’t want to use nightly all the time.

  • @poVoq
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOPM
      102 years ago

      I am sure that eventually we will have that. The fact that we have something like this from Mozilla, that runs offline, is insane.

    • Arthur BesseA
      72 years ago

      see my other comment in this thread, it can translate offline now

  • Deebster
    611 months ago

    As noted, this is an old article. You can install the plugin here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/firefox-translations/

    I just tried it on https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/technologie and it’s definitely good enough to be usable, although it has translated the top story as “What the new data glasses from Apple can”. Google Translate’s version is almost the same for most of it, although it gets “can do” right.

    It initially recognised that it could translate feddit.de but seems to have stopped now. Hmm.

    Anyway, even though German->English is a pretty easy test given that English is a Germanic language, I’m happy to leave it installed and test it in the wild.

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOPM
      -111 months ago

      It can force translate any webpage if you click the translate icon in address bar and manually select both language source and destination. I need to do it for some webpages with Russian in it.

  • @Parsnip8904@beehaw.org
    611 months ago

    This is a killer feature! One of the very few reasons I keep chromium based stuff around. Now if Firefox supported vertical tab bar without having to edit the css stuff, I can finally ditch Vivaldi!

  • @gladiatorchocolate
    32 years ago

    it says it was published on May 29, 2021, so the article is from last year ?
    also is this available on android ?

    • @Pantherina@feddit.de
      18 months ago

      Yes it is, using nightly Android versions and a custom Addon collection like mine

      Its crazy they dont have this integrated by default, all these addons work

  • @fit6529
    31 year ago

    Did somebody manage to run this in Librewolf? I mean extension.

    • @Pantherina@feddit.de
      211 months ago

      Should be no problem? I use Arkenfox myself and extension storage and all are not influenced by hardening