(Dumbass) redditors idiotically hating on china… again.

Then just don’t attack. Easy as that.

How about telling the U.S to not attack… did the U.S stop their imperialism yet? /j

(The comment got 2 awards. LMAO!)

<a href=‘https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uvxdqi/china_protests_us_willingness_touse_forceto/i9pdw4k/?context=3’><blockquote>I love the fact that chinese investors own part of reddit because it it shows just how explicitly we and the rest of the world simply don’t give as big a fuck about their money as purported.

Fuck Xi Jing Ping.</blockquote></a>

Racism at it’s finest!

How is a Chinese investor owning a share of Reddit any different from ‘American’ investors owning Reddit?

Not sure what you mean? Russia not communist, more nazi. China communist.

Ah, yes. Russia is (indeed) not communist. <sarcasm> They are totally nazis though; they invaded wholesome (100) Ukraine! </sarcasm>

(Someone tell them about the Azov and Aidar Battalions.)

The west needs to stop providing authoritarian regimes with trade related [wealth]. It makes no sense to strengthen your enemies.

Yes! You can’t let your enemy get more power! Especially when your empire is getting back-watered and struggling to beat China on it’s own. /s

Yes. American politicians constantly bash Europe for buying Russian oil and gas, while they created this communist cancer and allowed it to grow and metastasize.

I’m pretty sure the U.S did their best to disallow China from becoming socialist. (Too bad their ‘best’ isn’t working!)

<a href=‘https://libreddit.silkky.cloud/r/worldnews/comments/uvxdqi/china_protests_us_willingness_touse_forceto/i9pyi04/?context=3’><blockquote>I gotta say, I thought Biden might not be up to the challenge but he’s really nailing in the eyes of myself and fellow pragmatists.

✔️Left Afghanistan (despite taking infinite criticism from the pro-war media for it)

✔️Continued pause in student loan debt, said he would sign a bill to cancel student loan debt if it passed

✔️Standing up to Putin

✔️Strengthening our bonds to NATO

✔️First black woman SCOTUS (Somehow the media called him racist for it)

✔️Brought back the EPA

✔️Rejoined Paris Climate Accord

✔️Increased Union growth due to his executive order, task force and unprecedented support for unions

Maybe we should start supporting him so that progressives have a shot during the mid term election? Food for thought.</blockquote></a>

“✔️Left Afghanistan (despite taking infinite criticism from the pro-war media for it)”

Now can Biden make the U.S leave Iraq, Iran, Israel, Syria, Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Nigeria, the Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, Tajikistan, and Djibouti (alone)? They don’t seem keen on doing that.

“✔️Strengthening our bonds to NATO”

Like as if NATO wasn’t already bonded to the U.S empire.

“✔️First black woman SCOTUS (Somehow the media called him racist for it)”

Apparently, getting a black woman on the supreme court is ‘progressive’. (Imagine the surprise when the [dark-skinned] woman inevitably becomes corrupt.)

“Increased Union growth due to his executive order, task force and unprecedented support for unions”

Pretty sure that’s because U.S unions have been recuperated into another variant of a capitalist corporation. Also I don’t think Biden specifically increased Union growth… (Psst. It’s the workers!)

“Maybe we should start supporting him so that progressives have a shot during the mid term election? Food for thought.”

Maybe the workers should overthrow the U.S empire and form a socialist country. Food for thought.

Fucking ridiculous comments…

  • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Let’s put this into context. If a foreign government said that they’re willing to go to war over Hawaii, the Biden administration would have to say they don’t approve. I bet we wouldn’t feel nearly as smug about it.

    Also those comments are a fucking trip. The last one especially, the dude says he thinks Biden’s a good president not because of anything he’s actually done but because his Admin has been a warmongering asses for the last year.

    • comfy
      92 years ago

      I’m not sure if it’s useful to compare it with Hawaii since Hawaii’s government (currently) isn’t trying to be a different nation to the USA. I think a topical equivalent could be one of the breakaway regions in Ukraine that claimed independence, or Catalonia.

  • CritiGalDesist∞
    2 years ago

    Reminds me of a time when I asked a Chinese friend “Have you seen the famous photo of Tiananmen square massacre? The photo of a student standing in front of a tank.” He replied “No, it’s not a massacre. The photo showed the tank stopped for the student, and the student later left the street unharmed.” This is their reality and they really drink the kool-aid.

    (If someone is still confused, This is a copied reply from the original reddit thread)

    • comfy
      102 years ago

      I mean, the Chinese friend in that anecdote has a point. A person made an extreme symbol of protest, standing in front of a lethal weapon.

      Quote Wikipedia (certainly not pro-CCP):


      After repeatedly attempting to go around, the lead tank stopped its engines, and the armored vehicles behind it followed suit. There was a short pause with the man and the tanks having reached a quiet, still impasse.

      Having successfully brought the column to a halt, the man climbed onto the hull of the buttoned-up lead tank and, after briefly stopping at the driver’s hatch, appeared in video footage of the incident to call into various ports in the tank’s turret. He then climbed atop the turret and seemed to have a short conversation with a crew member at the gunner’s hatch. After ending the conversation, the man descended from the tank. The tank commander briefly emerged from his hatch, and the tanks restarted their engines, ready to continue on. At that point, the man, who was still standing within a meter or two from the side of the lead tank, leapt in front of the vehicle once again and quickly re-established the man–tank standoff.

      Video footage shows two figures in blue pulling the man away and disappearing with him into a nearby crowd; the tanks continued on their way.

      That is pretty much the least violent outcome possible. Hundreds of non-violent BLM protestors and media personel were treated with more official violence and injury than the ‘Tank Man’. I can’t speak for the rest of what happened at Tiananmen Square (I’m not well-read on the conflicting accounts and I won’t pretend I am) but he’s a pretty poor symbol of the event beyond an impressive photo depicting anti-violent bravery.

      • A person made an extreme symbol of protest, standing in front of a lethal weapon.

        Except we did not know why he did it. Also, the tanks were leaving the square, it could as well be interpreted as him saying “where are you going, you have more work here”.

        • CritiGalDesist∞
          2 years ago

          the tanks were leaving the square, it could as well be interpreted as him saying “where are you going, you have more work here”.

          This ^^
          This needs to spread more

          • ☭CommieWolf☆
            42 years ago

            I doubt it will convince most libs, when something is ambiguous, in this case tank man’s motivations, they will refuse to see any nuance and project their own narrative onto it.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    2 years ago

    I had a liberal hop into my DMs on Facebook over this shit, they talked and talked about how Taiwan was an independent country (it’s not) and deserved sovereignty and the US had a right to defend democracy and their right to independence. That shit is just frustrating to deal with.

    If we transpose this, China sees Taiwan as its legal territory. Taiwan is effectively nothing more than an autonomous part of the bigger Chinese governing body. To flip this coin if China supported the independence of Puerto Rico, which is effectively the same thing but for the US governing body, and said they would utilize the PLA to ensure that it becomes a separate entity from the United States, these same liberals would be aroar in support of whatever the US decides to do about that.

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    142 years ago

    Interesting how they rag in China for “not having free speech” and then say that China shouldn’t say what they think. Hmm…

  • CritiGalDesist∞
    112 years ago

    I wasn’t worried about China invading Taiwan ten years ago, because I honestly believed China was heading towards a better path of liberalization, and I believed if China could go through another major reform politically and socially to follow its economic progress, then the Taiwan issue would perhaps be resolved naturally in a benign manner. Xi Jinping has completely shattered that wishful thinking of mine, and I’m seriously concerned about the direction China would go and its effects on the world. What truely worries me regarding Xi Jinping’s leadership is not just his authoritarian tendencies, but he is showing signs of being an ideologue that mirrors Mao Zedong, which means unlike previous leaders such as Hu and Jiang, he is more likely to act irrationally and willing to sacrifice the economy and stability just to satisfy his ambition, and to amplify the issue, he is also surrounded by yes men who would validate his delusions. Another possibility is that in order to hold on to his grip on power, he might be prompted to start a war as a distraction, and to ramp up propaganda against his perceived threats.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      I honestly believed China was heading towards a better path of liberalization

      he is showing signs of being an ideologue that mirrors Mao Zedong

      Why the fuck liberals are like this.

    • CritiGalDesist∞
      82 years ago

      I don’t know your background, but I am a Chinese American and a naturalized citizen of the USA, you have no idea how much China has changed. I lived in China throughout the 90s and mid/late 2000s, and to me, those were the golden years of Chinese development. From personal experience, back when I still lived in China, the civil society there was in a much better condition, people could actually criticize the government and leaders on the internet with much less risks and care, and in general, the people were much more humble, open minded, and way less jingoistic and myopic.
      When I left China around 2007 or 2008, I honestly thought it was going to become a more desirable country. It isn’t just me, many “China watchers” believed China going through further reform is inevitable, and the possibility of it overtaking the United States as the new superpower is not only possible, but also acceptable. But I was wrong, we were all wrong. Xi Jinping crushed the already fragile civil society and dissent circle within China, and is being aggressive towards its neighbors. Domestically, China is facing regression in terms of liberty and social development; internationally, it is exhausting all the good will it gathered since its reform under Deng Xiaoping.
      Looking back, I think the emergence of Xi Jinping or someone like him has always been rather inevitable. The Chinese system is broken to the core; the “golden years” were the aberration, not the norm. A political system without proper check and balances or oversight leads to dictators and irrational leaders. Right now, I say I’m glad to have left China, and I appreciate the United States. Yes, the USA js flawed in many fronts, but the system and concepts we have are still much more preferable than any alternatives.

  • @B0rodin@lemmygrad.ml
    112 years ago

    If they want to criticise ‘expansionist countries’ maybe they should focus on the country that has actually invaded the most places. Because it is almost as if China hasn’t invaded anywhere yet but there is not a nation in the world that does not know the human price of American 'diplomacy.