
Don’t agree with his assessment at all pretty much, but still interested what yous think about that stance, because really I’ve not seen much theory based discussion on the topic since the early days of the conflict.

    2 years ago

    Hence, if capital is by definition a cycle that involves exploitation, capital export must involve exploitation export.

    Indeed! Lenin writes about this in “Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism”. Upon maximization of profit within national borders, monopolies expand abroad and the proletariat of those countries have their surplus value stolen by foreign bourgeoisie rather than the local capitalists. I don’t think it’s accurate to call this process “exploitation export”, however. It’s merely switching the exploiters from local to foreign. It’s more like neo-colonialism because once resources and surplus value go abroad, it’s pretty much impossible to get it back, whereas the surplus value stolen by national bourgeoisie could be reclaimed through revolution.

    Or at least that’s my understanding of it.