Roe vs Wade being overturned is a big one lmao

      • @Godless_Nematode
        52 years ago

        I look forward to the cooperation between the US, Europe, Russia, and China in developing a lunar base and launch pad to Mars… just kidding. They’ll all try to claim use and mining rights like Cortez planting a flag to claim Mexico.

          42 years ago

          Space imperialism, ahah it would be interesting in the distant future to see an extraterrestrial colony declare its own sovereignty.

    162 years ago

    South korea elected an guy that makes Bolsonaro looks progressive. Our boy Kim joung un got an promotion. China made an artificial sun. First covid case on DPRK, Finland and Sweden are being braindead.

    Important things that will happen in this year:brasillian elections, probable end of ukraine war, Argentina may enter the brics, EU and NATO will be divided, maybe some taiwan drama?

  • Mostly same as usual (although I didn’t know about a lot of it until this year…): Palestine is still occupied, Yemen is still under siege, Syria is still being attacked by Isnotrael and others, the NED/CIA/etc. continues their regime change efforts, and Amerikkka continues to provoke China and Russia. I’d say that the sanctions on Russia are actually a bigger deal than the Ukraine conflict by itself; the geopolitical changes have been mostly positive so far (IMO), but the European countries are making horrible decisions w.r.t. the workers (again, IMO, but I’m reasonably sure most of you would agree), Yemen is apparently being fucked even more by the increased fuel prices, and NATO continues to expand its rancid, pus-filled tentacles <small>(no offense to any cephalopods who may be reading this in the far future)</small>

    And there’s probably a shit-ton more that I have no clue about, especially in Africa and Asia

                22 years ago

                Well reading this it tells that the key is very hard to guess, and the algorithm is solid enough that the key cannot be guessed by looking at the data…

                And the government and institutions use it so…

                Personally I am still paranoid tho about what might happen in the future. I think it’s reasonable to be in some cases where you are sharing sensitive data that you can’t afford to possibly be broken by governments or whoever in a decade or more from now.

                  22 years ago

                  The thing to do with truly important data is to cascade algorithms. That is encrypt it using multiple algorithms so a failure in one in a cryptographic sense means they still need a failure in another and if the combined failures cannot shave off enough bits they still can’t get the data. AES is fairly strong and proven so I would use it as one of those encryption schemes. Ideally you’d do this with ciphers from multiple mutually hostile governments (one from Russia, one from US/NATO).

          22 years ago

          Depends on what schemes you mean. Stuff like RSA which relies on unsolveable math problems, yes that’s fucked so in theory a lot of HTTPS web traffic will in future be deciphered by the NSA if they’ve been storing it (they have been for a while now). But things like AES-256 as someone mentioned, certain other schemes should be quantum safe.

          Put it this way, a good strong password on AES-256 encryption can put you at a cracking time of hundreds of millions of years. Shaving off even 95% of that time with quantum computing wouldn’t be helpful because you’d still be looking at millions of years of cracking effort. In practice anything that puts cracking time beyond two decades or so of effort is something that protects the data because nothing but a formula for time travel is going to be of that much value to governments to spend such an amount of time dedicating a massive array just to cracking it. In practice LEO will usually give up on cracking something after perhaps 12-16 months of efforts and declare it failed. NSA and so on have more or less given up on cracking actually strong encryption so much as trying to subvert and weaken implementations with bad math and much more broadly just moving to straight up hacking victims and putting malware to grab the data before its encrypted.

          AES has certain problems with it, there are methods for shaving off a certain amount of bits but even these when considered against a strong implementation (in terms of passwords we’re talking >=20 characters, upper/lower case, digits, symbols) don’t really put it within the realm of truly broken in a reasonable time frame as I mentioned above.

        72 years ago

        They will use the for stupid shit too like some even more ridiculous stock trading scheme that won’t do anything but make an already hyper unstable system even more unstable. Mark my words “quantum instability in the market” will be in some news article somewhere eventually.

        22 years ago

        Quantum computers are highly specialized. You cannot run Arma 3 on it 10 times more efficiently or something, it would actually not be able to run at all. It is similar to analog vs digital computer. Analog computers are insanely efficient and fast, but they are also incredibly specialized. They are effectively simulations, systems made to be analogous to a system which you need. Similarly qbits are just analogous to quantum systems, but that is about it. We have a long way to go to form a single good quantum computer.

  • comrade_madoff
    112 years ago

    I would say 2022 is the year moderate PC users could justifiably become Linux users. After recently switching and working with steam and vulkan, I can play basically everything fine. Doom, Cyberpunk, heck I can even play Age of Empires 3 and I couldn’t tell any performance difference. With windows 11 literally shoving adspace into your start menu, I recommend everyone switching. If new to Linux I recommend Arch based systems for gaming, Garuda and Endeavor OS are fantastic and very much designed with gamers coming to Linux in mind.

      • comrade_madoff
        72 years ago

        Honestly, I monitor major internetworking infrastructure so I am pretty nolife on PC, so I have no frame of reference if you think I’m being generous or insulting.

          42 years ago

          It’s just that I consider myself a moderate PC user and don’t game at all. For my use-case Linux has been suitable for years.

          • comrade_madoff
            2 years ago

            Oh, no there’s tons of valid reasons to be on computers and consider yourself a moderate user, but from my experience most young people now that spend some time on computers game some, and Linux just didnt facilitate that in a friendly way until recently. So that one thing had kept the last vestige of household windows use.

              62 years ago

              most young people now that spend some time on computers game

              That is true. I hadn’t considered that. Smartphones and tablets are the new way young people access the Internet most of the time. I can’t believe I’m already getting out of touch lmao, I’m still young you know.

              • comrade_madoff
                82 years ago

                You want old? I remember when I was able to get WoW running on Ubuntu in like 2007 or 2008ish. I felt like a god. Never have I wielded such power. No orgasm left me so satisfied.

                  62 years ago

                  That’s impressive. I can relate to the feeling of satisfaction after succeeding with a tinkering effort. Wishing you experience it again a thousand more times.

      42 years ago

      This is great to hear, games are the only reason I still keep Windows on my desktop, would love to switch to Linux on all my systems.

      • comrade_madoff
        32 years ago

        Look up qutebox or awesome wm, window managers are the new desktop. The future is now.

      • @angarabebesi
        42 years ago

        Manjaro is a good beginner-frienly arch distro.

      • comrade_madoff
        42 years ago

        Oh God no, do not install arch. I just mean arch based distros like Garuda and Endeavor. The reason I say that is valve actually moved their package management to pacman from apt or whatever it was before. So steam works better natively as long as the base is Arch. Luckily Endeavor and Garuda have install wizards similar to window installations.

      • comrade_madoff
        12 years ago

        That’s fair enough, but anytime you get that itch, you should look around. See if emulation has become more viable for Ableton, I did a quick lookup on YouTube and found a guy who got his running low latency through wine. Or if you can mess with any open source alternatives that might be a replacement.

  • @angarabebesi
    102 years ago

    Linux becoming mainstream thanks to the release of the Steam Deck. A huge victory for the open source community and a massive blow to Microsoft.

    102 years ago

    Something to watch for is that I fear there is a coming legal battle that will challenge Tribal institutions in the US in a way that undermines the use of Native run casinos. There are some things happening in Oregon that, contextualized with past legal efforts, makes me think Tribal run casinos and really Tribal institutions in general will be challenged on the grounds of racism and monopoly (only Indigenous Tribes can have casinos). There is a super-rich fucker that is trying to bring back horse racing or some shit and he needs slot machines (but like they totally aren’t slot machines because that would be illegal) on location to make it break even. So the local Tribes are trying to put legal pressure against this because it will have a major impact on certain casinos, but I fear that it is a trap that is meant to set up a legal challenge to current laws.

    Casino money is vital to reservation political economy and it also offers an alternative to more extractive efforts like timber or natural gas extraction. So while casinos are not necessarily an end all solution the loss of casino revenue would be unfathomably bad for communities that are really just starting to build a new era of revitalization.

    102 years ago

    The Democrats will heroically evacuate control of Congress in the midterms to the Republican party, after completing their mission.

    • Catraism-Stalinism
      82 years ago

      The cope will be nice at least, but the further conservative descent into madness will be terrifying

    • Even left libs are dispointed with the democrats arent they? What do you think american marxists can do in order to co-opt this disilusion and hate from libs and turn them into comrades?

  • @Godless_Nematode
    92 years ago

    World got hotter while the Arctic and Antarctic ice got smaller. Seems like a pattern is developing.

      12 years ago

      India and Pakistan are going through an extreme heatwave right now. Some places reaching 50 degree celsius. The government is worried about crop failures and has stopped all wheat exports which is worsening the global food crisis.

  • @MrOzwaldMan
    82 years ago

    Pakistan’s former PM, Imran Khan, got ousted by a foreign conspiracy (coughcough… USA… coughcough…)and has been doing protests for the past few days and weeks.

  • KiG V2
    62 years ago

    New Kendrick album. So much trauma but with a therapeautizing message. Also I still feel like he n everyone ain’t quite Black Panther yet but the anti-capitalist disses are slowly growing and he stepped away from the hotep shit. When crisis hits hard in the future I would look to him as a potential for a very prominent voice and spurr in a revolutionary movement.

  • Amicese
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • This reminded me of something. (it’s slightly random but applies.) My sisters are in highschool and their yearbook for sophomore year. (They are now juniors.) Has a page about NFTS and Elon Musk under “World News” section. The world we live in eh.