I do shit like this like every few weeks and the teach getting sus

      • @Szymon@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Unfortunately it’s just a few minutes long so I can just outline the very basics of the topic but I also include a positives and negatives of the USSR bit in it. My hope Is that, since I will present it in front of class, I will be able to give people a view of the union that is it mainly just being a normal country with its own problems but many more positives as well

  • @mmhmm
    152 years ago

    Ballads of Lenin

    by Langston Hughes

    Comrade Lenin of Russia, High in a marble tomb, Move over, Comrade Lenin, And give me room.

    I am Ivan, the peasant, Boots all muddy with soil. I fought with you, Comrade Lenin. Now I have finished my toil.

    Comrade Lenin of Russia, Alive in a marble tomb, Move over, Comrade Lenin, And make me room.

    I am Chico, the Negro, Cutting cane in the sun. I lived for you, Comrade Lenin. Now my work is done.

    Comrade Lenin of Russia, Honored in a marble tomb, Move over, Comrade Lenin, And leave me room.

    I am Chang from the foundries On strike in the streets of Shanghai. For the sake of the Revolution I fight, I starve, I die.

    Comrade Lenin of Russia Speaks from the marble tomb: On guard with the workers forever — The world is our room!

  • Lol today in the lab I recently got into the teacher guiding me and other researchers there started discussing politics and he basically started saying he was a communist 0 fucks given while other dudes were like “damn wtf”

    too bad he mentioned a party that is dumb and denounces Cuba and China. But I can live with that

  • ButtigiegMineralMap
    62 years ago

    I have Lenin walks around the world as my Lock Screen, not that it matters but family and friends that see it can probably at least respect the beauty of the poem even if it doesn’t resonate with them

  • Soviet Snake
    42 years ago

    It’s been really hard for me too to hide the fact that I’m a ML in class, but I’d rather much not say it for the time being since it gives my political positions more credibility.