• @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
    302 years ago

    Biden may actually go down in the books as one of the worst presidents in US history. All these real, tangible domestic issues going on and he’s still doing that “Let’s send obscene amounts of money to wars in other countries” bullshit. Extremely disappointed.

  • @Samubai@lemmygrad.ml
    302 years ago

    I love how sick Americans have to tighten their belt to give weapons to a hopeless endeavor. It’s like, “honey, kids, I know we’re short on food and medicine, but i gotta go gamble our money away. We’ll score big this time!” Totally delusional.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      We’ll score big this time!

      More like “Our military industrial complex will strike big time” - and note this isn’t even gamble for them since they get the cash no matter what will happen, this is just ordinary fund transfer from taxes to private pockets.

    • DankZedong
      322 years ago

      Just seen the ‘Russia boutta find out why we don’t have healthcare’ memes already. Yes, this is exactly why. No, it’s not a funny meme. But in a week or two libs will start complaining again about roads, human rights, healthcare, poverty etc. Life for them is just getting internet point.

      • @i_must_destroy@lemmygrad.ml
        222 years ago

        Even ‘left leaning’ people I know try to talk about how great our military is. When’s the last time they won a war? The US is good at making capitalists rich, nothing else.

        • DankZedong
          152 years ago

          Don’t get me wrong I’m terrified of a US invasion anywhere, but they don’t have the best track records to say the least. The Russian army is not some sort of rebel group lol.

          • @xxcvzvcxx@lemmygrad.ml
            172 years ago

            The US military is extremely skilled and competent in mass murdering innocent civilians. Actually achieving military objectives, not as much.

        • @SaddamHussein24@lemmygrad.ml
          2 years ago

          Believe it or not, the US military used to be much more competent in the past, since they were trained to fight an actual competent military force, the Warsaw Pact. However since the end of the Cold War, they have become absolutely worthless (compared with their budget, they are still a dangerous force mind you). Since the 90s US wars werent about effectively defeating communism, but about making money for Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, etc. In that case, the more ineffective they were, the better, since it meant more spending, thus more profits. They got used to needing 800 billion dollars a year just to massacre a bunch of goat farmers in Afghanistan, so now its nowhere near enough to defeat a modern competent military force like Russia.

          • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
            112 years ago

            When I was in the service, it was pretty much an open secret that if we went to war with China or Russia we would lose badly until we overwhelm them with sheer numbers or at least break even. That was Commanders saying shit like that, meanwhile all the grunts truly believed that we were invincible.

      • DankZedong
        2 years ago

        At the same time, in a thread about Shell’s profit, they understand this is by default and companies wont stop to fuck us over. Sometimes they’re so close but don’t dare to touch the hot topic for some reason.

        Edit: I take solace in the fact that Reddit is not an accurate display of society and that more and more people in this world see what can be done different. ~this is copium yes~

      • @Mzuark@lemmygrad.ml
        92 years ago

        It’s pretty disturbing to me that people have found a way to turn a serious issue with our spending into a funny maymay. I guess the idea that someone is going to get blown up is a “welcome” distraction to your real problems.

        • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
          62 years ago

          It’s pretty disturbing to me that people have found a way to turn a serious issue with our spending into a funny maymay

          The entire war has been turned into shitty memes. “Ghost of Kiev”? “Saint Javelin”? That’s something I’ve been saying for months. The very real suffering of people on the ground is nothing but “le funney maymays” for libs and libs adjacent people.

  • This is hilarious. $10b in Covid relief is a stumbling block to passing $30b in war crime money so dump the Covid relief. Vote blue no matter who. Sri Lankans are showing the US proles how to get it done.

    • @xxcvzvcxx@lemmygrad.ml
      212 years ago

      We’ll push Biden to the left!

      Biden: I’d like to start a proxy war to benefit my weapon manufacturing friends.

      OMG so dreamy! Anyone who dislikes this is a tankie which is basically a Nazi if Nazis were bad!

  • @freagle@lemmygrad.ml
    212 years ago

    But my harm reduction!!!

    Seriously hilarious to see a Democrat president with democrat control of Congress trying to pass a bill that the majority of Americans support claim that the aid for all Americans has to be cut because Republicans said so

    • DankZedong
      2 years ago

      I’ve seen people claim it will boost the economy greatly. It’ll trickle down guys! We’ll see what happens really. Ukraine gets new weapons though. Wonder if that’ll backfire.

  • @sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
    152 years ago

    Wasting taxpayer money to claim that Russian humanitarian intervention is unprovoked and unjustified as an excuse to abandon their own citizens <- Is this supposed to be authoritarianism?

  • @ksdhf@lemmygrad.ml
    112 years ago

    I’ve seen ukrainian soldiers saying US weapons don’t work or that they don’t have enough amo. So where the fuck is this money going? This is the greatest money laundering scam on US and European people that I’ve ever heard of.