Even funnier, the dude was being serious 😂

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    142 years ago

    I find it hilarious that a lot of western military bros will incessantly repeat ad nauseam that fitness is the deciding factor in war. You gotta be fit or you’ll die, if your army isn’t fit it’ll lose every battle, so on so forth.

    But the US has lost at least two wars to people who, supposedly, didn’t train fitness before getting into conflicts. So maybe the talking point is a bit case by case

    • @CamaradaD@lemmygrad.ml
      102 years ago

      To be fair, most Western exercises work both “glam muscles” and other kinds of workout that don’t have much practical value besides cardio and losing weight. While a lot of people who live as peasants, workers or nomads do a lot of practical workout.

      I used to be a construction worker. The strongest dude I’ve seen was this 50-something years old short guy with no teeth who could carry three concrete bags while the resident gym bunny at the works couldn’t lift much more than I (who was 17 at the time) could.

      Sometimes, size means nothing, I suppose.

      • @Beat_da_Rich@lemmygrad.ml
        62 years ago

        Well, while strength and muscle size are related, strength training really has more to do with conditioning your nervous system. Muscle size really doesn’t matter nearly as much as people think.

        proud member of the swolletariat