Historical materialism is a scientific view of history that is often associated with communism; but this model of history could be useful outside communist theory.

  • Ball Thrower
    182 years ago

    Yes, I study history in college and in class I’ve been told to analyze history through a dialectical materialist (historical materialism) lens. The study of history is pretty communist and every historian that is anti-communist is a hypocrite.

  • @VictimOfReligion@lemmygrad.ml
    152 years ago

    Dialectical Materialism is pretty much the use of the scientific method, and the conclusion that reality is material and changes. It’s the only way to interpret reality that actually tells how reality is without a bias interfering.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    112 years ago

    Historical materialism is just dialectical materialism applied to history. It’s mostly done by communists because historical materialism implicates non-Marxist ideologies, but diamat is pretty universal elsewhere.

  • loathesome dongeater
    102 years ago

    If you mean dialectics then yes, it can be applied to many fields of study. For example Lewontin is a biologist who is famous for dialectically approaching biology. Some of his books penned along with other authors on this topic are Not in Our Genes and The Dialectical Biologist.