Every people is free. If any guys of you don’t like freedom and support Russia and China, you can come to Shanghai,if you don’t mind being locked in home and your pet is killed by government. You live in freedom countries, and most of Chinese evny you.

What you image of socialism is totally shit! I feel shame on you.

  • @southerntofu
    32 years ago

    Hello! You should know we have some problems in “democracy” as well. Here in France police also kill people and when they have a mission they sometimes kill pets too (especially dogs). During the lockdowns many people got beaten up and also the number of police murder increased from 1/month to 2/month and never decreased after that.

    Good luck on your side! We stand united against all governments! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!

    Also if you have some blogs about social critique from chinese perspective that is not written by some capitalist assholes who view USA/France as the best model for humanity i’m interested! Even if it’s in mandarin i can use some translation tool.

    Take care :)

  • @SteinsGateOPM
    -22 years ago

    If any guys of you really love China, welcome you to Shanghai. Also ,you can come to Shenzhen, Guangzhou, these used to be the most developed and beautiful cities in China, and now are. I think the Chinese will welcome you .

    • @southerntofu
      42 years ago

      I’ve seen some images of industrial disaster in some parts of China but if you have a good resource about the history of industrial development, gentrification of neighborhoods i’m interested. I’ve read some stuff about demonstrations against pollution and recently i’ve found this documentary about gentrification in Guangzhou but i’m always looking for more. Let me know if you ever look for resources about social problems in France ;)

      • @SteinsGateOPM
        -32 years ago

        I will post the disasters of China everyday. You must know that China is a crazy county. You shouldn’t have hope on the dirty county, no ,it is a prison, not a country

        • @southerntofu
          22 years ago

          Sorry you got banned. I know many people from China want Xi dead, just like we french people want Macron dead. Hope we both get our wishes to come true ;)

          PS: i think you got banned for “A DEAD China is a good China” apparently that’s what the admins call racism, when it comes from a person who appears to be from China. Of course that’s racist if you’re not from China. But i’m from France and i think A DEAD FRANCE IS A GOOD FRANCE and now i dare you to ban me for racism or to unban this person and issue a warning of sorts specifying what’s wrong precisely with what they said cc @dessalines@lemmy.ml (and other admins)


  • @SteinsGateOPM
    -32 years ago

    Why downvote? Don’t you want to come to Shanghai?If that your love for China is fake?Oh no…