A normal society that hates its own children.
Jesus, imagine being this psychopathic.
The funniest (in the “wow, that’s fucked up” sense) thing about that sub is how they’ll come up with quasi-left (“they’re all racists and misogynists”) reasons to hate gen Z while at the same time doing shit like this where they cheer for war and social Darwinism.
They also love calling Zoomers “low T,” because their hatred of the manosphere ends where the chance to use its ideas against the people they despise begins.
Claiming that the only reason sexist men are bad is because they aren’t living up to patriarchal ideals? Many such cases.
The funniest (in the “wow, that’s fucked up” sense) thing about that sub is how they’ll come up with quasi-left (“they’re all racists and misogynists”) reasons to hate gen Z while at the same time doing shit like this where they cheer for war and social Darwinism.
IMAX levels of even, coming from boomers and gen-x’ers.
I think that sub is mostly millennials.
I remember how much older gens shit on us when we were growing up and, seeing millennials do the same to the next generation is depressing in a “the cycle of abuse endures” kind of way.
Pretty sad. We grew up in the shadow of our boomer parents that ended up hating on us and now we’re doing the same to our kids, younger generation. So like you said it’s just the system continuing.
It wasn’t even that long ago. Hell, I’m pretty sure I still see articles that shit on millenials. Its amazing how no one ever fucking learns.
you have to wonder if anyone even wants to learn.
I don’t like that mustaches have come back and having the worst ever mullet being a thing sucks but fashion is where it ends for me. Kids look like the worst part of the 80s that was emulated by early 2000s hipsters as the 20 year fashion cycle recycles what we recycled and seems to be choosing only the stuff millennials didn’t like. Which makes sense, but relaxed fit jeans and Alan Jackson mullets with intentional teenage mustaches is a bad look. Otherwise there is practically no difference between the ‘generations’
i’m personally just more fascinated by the current fashion cycle. also how elements of late 90s/early 00s nu-metal alt-fashion have also returned. i keep seeing zoomers that look like how we dressed in 1998 while listening to slipknot. only difference is the nose rings and more professional hair dye jobs (we had eyebrow rings and far shittier quality dyes)
Fr, recently saw a kid with a shaved head, Good Charlotte style eyeliner and leather trenchcoat recently.
I’m already seeing it from zoomers when they talk about “gen alphas.”
This is a new form of “woke bullying” that I’ve seen. Take someone and find a character flaw, then twist it to make it out as them being some kind of bigot, and now you have a justified reason to be as nasty as you want towards them.
A brain rot example would be the streamer Pokimane getting sexist slurs and comments made towards her all the time with the justification being that she said the n-word with a soft “a” when she was 18.
Maybe its because I had a catholic upbringing until highschool, but I remember being taught even as a kid that “yeah so you should totally be nice to people, and children are the future.”
I dunno. I always saw the “children are the future” mentality as sort of a “no shit, they’re younger, it’s in the name” type thing. But thinking about it now? I haven’t seen anything like respecting elders or kids in common discourse in like…ages. Granted I’m in my mid 30s now and pay attention to different things than I did when I was young, but still.
I wish “be nice” was a thing that would be taken more seriously. I hold myself accountable too, I can be a crotchety bastard sometimes, and get disappointed in myself upon reflection.
Sorry for the ramble, taking a brain break from some freelancing qualification test.
I think one of the few good lines from the Simpsons after Lindsay Naegle was introduced was “Children are the future. TODAY belongs to ME.”
So one of the reasons they hate zoomers is that zoomers voted for trump, which isn’t even true lol. 18-29 was the bluest voting group, swing towards trump but it seems no bigger than any other age group. The Democrats fumbling isn’t on the zoomers lol
something happened to reddit in the last 4 years where it stopped being mostly miserable socially inept asshole nazis and became mostly miserable socially inept asshole liberals. like they’re still talking about playing stupid game and winning stupid prizes, but they also voted for harris.
There was a big alt-right purge that took place with the Donald being banned, along with heavier moderation for things like blatant transphobia.
They still find ways to skirt around it but there’s been a noticeable difference.
Even before that it leaned lib, but there’s definitely been a shift to that place being less awful.
mostly miserable socially inept asshole nazis and became mostly miserable socially inept asshole liberals
If they want to blame anyone, they should be blaming crackers, who overwhelmingly support Trump.
“We expect our friends and family to be awful, white people are individuals with their own agency unlike these traitorous children and minorities.”
Gen X literally invented buy now pay later. Every middle class parent is getting cars and home extensions etc on credit so they can fuck off with this one.
Absolutely no connection to reality. What do you expect from the privileged spoon fed generation with cheap houses and jobs galore.
i HATE these smug comfy middle class techbro types. i fucking HATE them. i wish only suffering and pain on them for their smarmy attitude towards suffering people. i wish SUFFERING upon them. you awful worms should SUFFER
leave us worms out of this but otherwise i agree
we would all love you if youre a worm dont worry
We adore worms don’t we folks.
Big fan of my favorite drummer, Dr. Worm.
millenials going the route of boomers?
We must now delude ourselves into believing it won’t happen to gen z
Generational discourse is so fucking gross
last time I was browsing that sub there were people complaining that underpaid gen z cashiers weren’t greeting them at grocery stores (which btw nobody greets me at grocery stores regardless of what generation they’re from so it’s a ridiculous thing to complain about, then I got mass downvoted for pointing that out ofc)
literally only suburban boomers care about this bullshit
“I saw a cashier sitting at the til!”
“if you don’t greet, I can’t treat.” - Boomer Proverb
Oh and I get yelled at by hexbear for “inter-generational warfare” when I anti-boomer post.
Lmao how cringe, fuck boomers and gen x
And fuck older millenials who act like they Gen X lol.
Gen X is the most legitimate to hate imo. They seem to be even more conservative than boomers and their libs are the cringiest. Cursed generation.
I don’t think gen x is any more or less conservative than boomers, but they (along with older millennials) have the highest concentration of conservatives who are like “I’m not like those stuffy republicans, I’m just a cool laid back duuuude who wants freedom for everyone broooo (proceeds to say the most racist, sexist, LGBTphobic, classist shit under the guise of ‘free speech’)”
Their liberals are also the most broken by Reagan and Clinton. There’s at least leftie millennials and boomers, the median gen X lib is way to the right of either generation on the other side.
Gen X is weird because so many of them sold out when they were the generation against selling out. I think parts of the slacker generation with X-Factor is still there, it’s just the worst of them are the loudest.
Peaches is still singing about gender constructs and criticized Isreal over Palestine. Chuck Palahniuk still keeps to himself somewhere in the Northwest criticizing capitalism and consumerism. As always, it’s about class interests and Gen Xers whose loyalties are to the cishet, WASP power structure are going to be reactionary.
I know you’re playing UO so maybe you’re already in that environment, but I’m playing LOTRO and my experience is that every old Western-style MMO, especially on private servers, is primarily populated by racist 45 year old white men who constantly say unhinged stuff about immigrants and whatever else in all chat. So if you ever want to yell at boomers, log on and have at it while you get your grind on.
I know this feel, but actually the shard I’m playing UO on is really good and has a zero tolerance policy for any kind of bigotry or other isms. Now the other UO shards? I peeked into a discord for a classic one and it was bad, like you said boomers/gen-xers and lots of racism.
Yeah you have to specifically look for servers that ban the “What’s wrong with fascism? I think Hitler had some good ideas” people.
Ah yes, gen Z, definitely the first generation to be buried in mountains to debt to try and claim even a part of the supposed lifestyle that we’re told capitalism delivers.
Credit has basically kept this removed afloat for like 50 years.
I was sort of taken in by it initially but i actually thing this is a gender divide op. There is no intent on behalf of the people involved in it to actually achieve anything other than fostering angry defensiveness from gen z members.
My take is that it’s part of encouraging gen z members deeper into the far right. When people get defensive they sink deeper into things. Like remember all the feminist outrage stuff used to be front and center? Where did it go? It was always unnatural and inflated. They intentionally sought out or actually faked feminist content that would look bad for the left and used it to reinforce MRA beliefs and make men sink deeper into it by hating the “other”.
That’s what this is.
So in this person’s mind, the draft is instituted as a social program and then we just figure out a war to go fight.
They’re so close.
Yeah I remember looking at that subreddit a couple weeks ago. A bunch of weirdos over there
These are all federal agents
Sometimes I worry I’m not spending my time wisely, but then again…
Compared to previous generations living off of credit card debtfor no reason (not talking about people who had no choice), an interest free payment plan is downright responsible.