Can we create a communist version of DR sub here on Lemmy? Because as we all know most fans are cringe, so I was thinking, it’s time to have a ML DR sub.

  • ier
    42 years ago

    You could try… I had DR on my shelf for a while and I never gotten through playing it. I’m not sure how much fans are here

  • Water Bowl Slime
    42 years ago

    I’m a fan of Zero Escape and Ace Attorney is that close enough? I’ve never played Danganronpa because I only know of it through its fanbase haha

    • I found the games definitely a level below ace attorney and zero escape, and I’m a fan of the latter two.

      But hey, pirating is free so check it out, maybe you’ll like it.

      • Water Bowl Slime
        22 years ago

        I checked out the first episode of the anime and I like the pompadour guy. Protagonist dude definitely deserves to be punched. I’ll watch the full series when I have the time

        • I wouldn’t waste time on the anime because it only has about 4 hours of total run time adapted from a 25+ hours game. Idk any other adaptation that has worse ratio than this.

          • @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.mlOP
            12 years ago

            I agree, it needed more episodes, 24 would have been perfect, but hey you can’t adapt more than a day of content into anime, same as book to movie adaptations.

      12 years ago

      if you liked those 2, then you will like Danganronpa. Fanbase is complete trash tho, so don’t get into it too much, just get the informations you need to enjoy the series correctly

    22 years ago

    I played the first 2 but haven’t played V3 since it still isn’t avaible for Mobile. I though they would release it last year