if usually short-lasting, high, but long-term use can lead to complications like brain damage
Are they talking about Tik Tok?
No, this is less harmful than TikTok.
6 or 1/2 dozen really.
This is exactly where my mind went. Thank you stranger
Ah yes. Witness them, dying for clout, shiny and chrome.
Ah, I think you’re right. Thanks!
As usual for the type of screeching and breathless hit piece that these types of things inevitably become, it seems that two very distinct things are being conflated here in a probably deliberate attempt to make them appear equivalent.
The headline image shows a bunch of nitrous oxide cartridges or “whippets” discarded on the ground, and there is one lonely mention of nitrous down at the very bottom of the article. The article puts a lot of scary words around “inhalants” but stops short of defining which ones they’re actually talking about, and I’m guessing (having not watched any of the TikTok videos nor do I intend to) that nitrous is not the actual, or at least only, concern here. Either that or they’re trying hard to imply that nitrous fries your brain as much as huffing, say, tetrafluoroethane.
Doing nitrous (or whippets, or hippie crack, or laughing gas, or whatever you want to call it this decade) is neither new, nor is it particularly harmful provided you can manage not to do it in such a moronic way that you asphyxiate yourself or pathologically huff the stuff at the edge of high precipices or while driving or something.
Inhaling propellant gasses from aerosol cans, meanwhile, i.e. the usual sort of “huffing,” is monumentally stupid and also a fast track to permanent brain damage.
Just make sure you’re packin’ the right kind of chrome, choom.
Yay real information
The newest TikTok trend and thus drug problem seems to be centered around galaxy gas. And they seem to know what they’re doing:
The most dangerous thing about NO2 is freezing of finger tips, followed by slight headache.
But again, it’s never save to inhale stuff not produced to be inhaled (but for ingestion at least, which can’t be said for paint or gasoline)
Inhaling gasoline sounds like the fastest route to chemical pneumonia, among other nasty things. Signed, a professional fire eater.
Everything old is new again
Remember huffing? Pepperidge Farms remembers.
I remember huffing gasoline, butane, Freon, and super glue back in the 90s. It’s a wonder I can breathe at all these days, as well as coherently string more than two words together.
I don’t understand tiktok. Last trend i heard about was people cheating banks to get free money (aka fraud) and now they’re doing inhalants as a trend? How many brain cells does the average tik toker have?
Yes i know my age is showing. Get off my lawn!
Media is only going to highlight and even sometimes propagate the truly horrible trends.
Remember the “Milk Crate Challenge” which resulted in horrific accidents?
Idk man, at some point it’s just Darwinism.
No we are just going back 20 years for fashion trends, make everything chrome. Spray chrome can be inhaled is whats happening
before tiktok we had to rely on our friends sketchy older brother to tell us new ways to get high.
Same as it ever was.
I think the running conspiracy is that the platform is a psyop to get idiots to try doing idiotic things they wouldn’t otherwise get exposed to.
From what I’ve heard, the Chinese version of the app’s recommendations algorithm leans towards educational content instead of topics literally trying to tear at the seams of modern society.
TikTok is an app that’s not completely controlled by YTs. So we should expect to see a bunch of sensational headlines demonizing the company until it gets banned.
We need legal access to shrooms.
Taxed and regulated IV DMT could do more for humanity than any other singular act of government.
Here in Stockholm it is common to see spent 1.3kg N2O bottles just lying on the sidewalk in the morning, especially after a weekend.
And I doubt that is much dentistry going on on a weekend night on the streets of Stockholm.
The companies selling the N20 bottles even advertise on Youtube.
I just had a look at the cost of a 1.3kg bottle of N2O, it is less than the equivalent of 50USD.
And now I see that they have flavoured N2O…
I just want 12 tonnes of strawberry flavoured whipped cream, dude.
That’s why I need such a big bottle of N2O. I’m a culinary geniusIf a 1.3Kg bottle of N2O is $50, am I right in suspecting thats not a lot of high, but a shit ton of foam latte’s
When I was much younger we just called it huffing, whether it was spray paint cans or gas.
That’s what we called it too, but we didn’t have anyone to give us instructions or make it some sort of challenge.
I would never want to be a teenager now. Like having casual sex can give lifelong diseases, the right wing bearing down on everyone’s freedoms (except theirs ofc), hitchhiking is a death trap, etc etc.
If I was growing up now I probably wouldn’t make it to 20.
I have a USA-centric view, and I’m not sure how old you are, but you don’t have to go back very far to have those same risk (or worse!) for different reasons.
Like having casual sex can give lifelong diseases
Social acceptance for seeking treatment is much better now than 20 or 30 years ago. Moreover, HIV was death sentence back then, not so much anymore with modern medicine. Even contraception was harder to get ahold of as a teen 30 years ago. Now if any teen needs contraception or birth control, there are many legal and legitimate ways for them to get it easily.
the right wing bearing down on everyone’s freedoms (except theirs ofc),
I love how far we’ve come in the areas social justice (and we have more do to here). 30 to 50 years being gay would render you a social outcast as a teen. Telling others you were an atheist may have got you disciplinary actions from your school. If we’re looking back 50 years, we’d be right on the edge of the end of the draft to be shipped off to the Vietnam war which happened to many 18 and 19 year olds. This says nothing about the negative experiences of people of color have received at the hands of law enforcement, justice system, an unequal treatment from the education system.
I would never want to be a teenager now.
I fully agree with you here. The biggest risk is for their childhood mistakes to follow them for the rest of their lives. After us old folks that didn’t grow up with forgettable childhoods die off, society will evolve to forgive youthful mistakes as it will be 100% of the population that has documented past mistakes they’re not proud of, but this current transition time will be painful for the younger generations.
The biggest risk is for their childhood mistakes to follow them for the rest of their lives.
Every time I read about protests at colleges, this is all I can think of. College should be a place to find your voice, stretch your boundaries, and make mistakes without the permanent consequences.
I saw it coming decades ago when every campus security or public safety department wanted to become campus police so they can escalate to criminal charges and guns. Now I see colleges ruining their kids lives for trying to make the world a better place, at least one article about getting a kid deported, even when they haven’t hurt anyone. I’m all for consequences, but schools shouldn’t generally be making them permanent. What happened to the world?
Doing nitrous isn’t huffing, tho. It’s infinitely safer than huffing paint or duster.
Yeah I remember it felt like fun, until I found out it was bad for you. That along with any kind of asphyxiation - who knew! You’d think just being able to look up “is huffing chrome bad for you” on the internet would inoculate kids against this kind of stupidity.
By way of explanation, we were all quite poor and ignorant where I grew up.
Yeah. We were poor and ignorant too.
I remember when I realized how dangerous it was when a girl died … essentially drowning in the condensed gas fumes in her lungs. That woke us up quick.
For most of us, huffing always seemed like a pretty stupid thing to do. You’d have to be brain damaged to want to. Calling it “chroming” doesn’t change that
Getting strong “MTV made my child addicted to the devils lettuce” vibes from these comments
From the article:
The scientists analyzed 109 chroming-related videos on the social media platform that collectively had over 25 million views.
Billion user platform that’s popular with young people has young people interested in easy to get drugs. Won’t someone think of the children
I mean… that’s a problem, isn’t it? That it’s getting them into inhalants?
I assume you are not popular at parties. 😁
Edit: oh god, you’re the dude with 50,000 comments in like a year. Nevermind.
I don’t tend to go to parties where children are using inhalants, and you’re right, I probably wouldn’t be popular there.
Jesus fucking christ, what even are we anymore man?
Chimps. We have always been chimps. We are returning to monke
N2O is pretty awesome.
Right up until you suddenly die of a brain aneurysm because your dumbass thought it was a safe legal high. There is nothing awesome about that.
Chroming is just nitrous oxide?
That seems like a silly name.
the canisters are chrome, makes more sense than being named after the brand of paint but yeah it will always mean huffing paint to me.
Thanks ticktock for making nitrous expensive again. My nitro coffee maker is too expensive to use again.
Nitrous is the same price near me as it’s been for 15 years, but now I can get big tanks instead of small canisters!
Wait, that’s a machine a regular person can get? I love nitro coffee!
Edit: I see nitro cartridges $3-$5/each. How many cups will one cartridge make? Are they hard to get?
How much is it per cup?
Gains popularity? I’ve been seeing hundreds of those things discarded around the schools for years now