Elon Musk, billionaire owner of X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, said after reports of Durov’s detention: “It’s 2030 in Europe and you’re being executed for liking a meme.”
Elmo. Dude. Get your shit together. Stop with the drugs.
Don’t mix our precious Elmo with this clown! 😭
Wow, this guy is either really fucking dumb or he assumes everyone else is. My only fear is that he might be just right enough about the latter.
eel-on-musk dunning-kruger noises intensify
“The encrypted Telegram, with clo…”
Just a remidner that Telegramm is NOT encrypted by default (you need to Start a secret chat) and groups are NEVER encrypted
Correction: Telegram is not E2EE by default, it is encrypted tho.
Fair point. But weaker encrypted as for example WhatsApp, which at least tells you its e2e, even if meta holds the keys.
- Durov arrested in Bourget airport, police sources say
- Telegram says Durov has nothing to hide
- Durov has French and UAE citizenship
- Russia says Durov’s rights should be respected
- Russian lawmaker: freedom of speech is dead in Europe