that’s before it started, but even during the speech was still a small crowd
Is… is that four seasons total landscaping?!
It might be. There was definitely at least one dildo there.
This came up on reddit. it was pointed out in the comments this picture was taken an hour and a half before the event started. it did fill out for when he was speaking
Yeah context matters and fair is fair. I mean they don’t share that philosophy, and while I’d like to maintain the ethical high ground, reality dictates that we have to speak in a language they understand.
Pics or it was empty
I would have gone, but I had to feed my cats :(
Oh, looks like Michigan must have a Four Seasons landscaping too
Wait, seriously. Did they do it again??
Nah, the Trump campaign is rapidly running out of places they can do rallies, because a lot of cities are requiring them to pay up front. This is normally unusual, but Trump stiffed SO MANY PLACES that he still owes $500kish from his last two campaigns.
Normal businesses are easier to keep away legally than cities.
I’m pretty sure I’ve been to at least 2 weddings with more people than that
Dang, most of the pixels didn’t even go.
Seems like there could have been about as many semi-trucks as there were attendees at that event.
This isn’t the correct picutre though right? this was before he was speaking. There was more people than this when he started speaking apparently. Like way more, but definitely not what is expected from a VP.
I made this for a different thread and then decided to not use it, so I’m going to post it here:
“Get in the damn Secret Service murder car, JD!”
🎵 Get out of my dreams, and into my [secret service murder] car 🎵
Thank you for this, it’s awful
I guess people like their recliners better than jd
Nobody likes a recliner better than JD!
Recliner? I barely know 'er!
If they leave their homes to go to a political rally, who will protect their soft, smooth and willing furniture from JD Vance’s insatiable attention?
Now I want a parody of those 90s sexual harrassment PSAs but its just furniture talking about Vance. Bonus points if ya also do one based off those real fucked up 50s anti-gay ones, like really if ya can pull that off with the fucked up overtones intact ill be impressed.
“There are dozens of us! Dozens!”
Well, dozen.
Cheezus, there were more people at my kid’s backyard birthday party.
Why weren’t any of us invited? Fucking selfish, bro.
He’s soooo unlikeable you can’t expect people to turn out for that
“If I’m being generous, that looks like 10 rows of 10 seats across on each side,” reported a tech correspondent Chris O’Brien. “So about a total of 200 people potentially?”
Chris O’Brien can’t do basic multiplication.
10 rows, 10 seats on each side: 2 sides.
10 * 10 * 2 = 200.
Oh, two sides! I didn’t understand that. It’s right there “on each side” but that didn’t click for me as meaning this times two. Rereading it now, it’s obvious.
I will always upvote someone who admits a mistake. Good on you.
I upvoted you for upvoting it and I upvoted it itself myself.
10 rows x 10 seats per row = 100 seats per side.
100 seats per side x 2 sides = 200 seats.
Where is the error?
As someone else pointed out and I acknowledged, I didn’t read it as two sides of that many seats each. Once I looked again I could see it was said plainly. My bad.