• krolden
      22 years ago

      Wow that was some top level brain trolling it must have taken you all night to come up with that one.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer
    52 years ago

    My German is really bad, a comrade with better German can correct me. But to translate for those who are too lazy to do it themselves;

    Due to the serious violation of international law by the apparently mentally disturbed autocrat Putin, we are now categorically rejecting the treatment of Russian patients. Ukrainian patients are of course very welcome.

      • Star Wars Enjoyer
        32 years ago

        Thank you, I’ve studied it for many years but I’ve never really gotten to a suitably conversational level. So I used google translate for the words I didn’t know.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer
      22 years ago

      Just to show how ridiculously horrible this sentiment is, let’s change some words.

      Due to the serious violation of international law by the apparently mentally disturbed autocrat Ismail Haniyeh, we are now categorically rejecting the treatment of Palestinian patients. Israeli patients are of course very welcome.

  • @sasalzig
    2 years ago

    Link to German news article

    Some points:

    • Medical Munich (recipient of this mail) specializes in organizing treatment for Russian speakers coming from abroad (this means rich people mostly I imagine)
    • She later clarified she meant Russians coming from Russia for treatment (still fucked up)
    • LMU (the university clinic that employs this professor/physician) said that she “shared her personal opinion in a very emotional situation” 🤮. This is some weak-ass excuse making.
    • They also said they will of course not discriminate etc.
    • She reportedly apologized to the recipient in a private email
    • Russians can’t come anyway right now because of sanctions (sanctions kill!), with flights being cancelled and payments not working and you can’t bring more than 10000 € cash. The company cancelled all appointments with Russian patients because of the sanctions basically.
  • krolden
    22 years ago

    Do they do a blood test or what

  • @mathchu2@lemmygrad.ml
    12 years ago

    And yet the libs keep asking for leaders to “do more on Russia”. What could even be more??? Refuse to provide services like water and electricity to Russians living in NATO countries? Legalize lynching of Russian citizens??? Put anyone who looks Russian in a concentration camp??? its almost like they were the nazis all along