I know it’s still a bit early to tell the long term effects and your state is still trying to figure it out, but I’m wondering how you feel it’s been going and how it will go in the future?

  • Ratboy
    1 year ago

    I am still holding out hope that m110 will be a success, but it was a shitstorm of m110 passing and the funds being SLOOOOOW to distribute, decriminalization of drugs and xylazine and fentanyl surging in drug supplies that have made a lot of people hate it. I work in social services in oregon and it’s a very complex situation here. I don’t believe criminalizing drugs is effective whatsoever but all of these things culminating all at once makes things feel pretty fucked up right now.

    If the non profits who are being given the funds actually utilize funds properly, I think it will be a boon to the state, which historically had really severe drug issues. There is a sober living environment that opened in Woodburn I believe that is for fathers who want to be reunited with their kids. In Eugene a drop in center opened for people in recovery with employment support, peer support, shelter support and literally a place for people to just go and hang out and exist with other people in recovery. There is cool shit rolling out. The US has never really made a good faith effort to try and solve a lot of societal ills, it’s all been band aid solutions. I hope that this will become a model for other states to follow