• @null_radix
    22 years ago

    Peter Thiel’s comments on Communism “Crypto is decentralizing, AI is centralizing. Or, if you want to frame it more ideologically, crypto is libertarian and AI is communist.” Didn’t really make sense to me. But this article makes it a bit more clear how these two poles are possible.

      • @null_radix
        2 years ago

        Depending on which ideological lense you are using. Communist would value an even disubution of economic value (i assume) as the highest priority while libertarian would value economic freedom above all else. So from the libertarian viewpoint the metric of decentrilization that matters is infrastructurally since it is from the decentrilized achitechure which rise econmic censorship resistance.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          12 years ago

          I’d frame it more that communists want to ensure that labor and resources are directed towards common benefit. There are different ways to accomplish that goal with centralization, decentralization, or a combination of thereof. So, the argument regarding centralized vs decentralized is somewhat tangential when discussing communism.

          Meanwhile, the idea of libertarianism is fundamentally flawed because it doesn’t account for the fact that economic systems are dynamic in nature as opposed to static. You can start with a completely fair free market, but over time it will necessarily evolve into monopolies regardless of what infrastructure its built on top of. This is precisely what we see happen with stuff like bitcoin.