• davelA
    6 months ago

    Lie #3: Biden cares about “democracy” and “human rights” for the Cuban people

    Or for any people. Citations Needed podcast:

    • The Human Rights Concern Troll Industrial Complex

      The conceit that the U.S. has been a dedicated and earnest promoter of “freedom”, “democracy,” and “human rights” throughout the world — even if, at times, a “flawed” one — is a defining narrative, largely taken for granted by major media. But how accurate is this assumption? What do we mean when we talk about human rights? What abuses are highlighted and which aren’t? Where do labor rights fit into the broader discussion of human rights?

    • Biden’s Dictator Tour and the Tedium of Our “Human Rights Concerns” Theater

      In this public News Brief, we detail the strange quadrennial tradition of acting like the US is “abandoning its principles” by reaffirming decades-long alliances with Israel and Saudi Arabia.

    • The Banality of CIA-Curated Definitions of ‘Democracy’

      Few words elicit such warm feelings as the term “Democracy.” Wars are supposedly fought for it, foreign policies are built around it, protecting and advancing it is considered the United States’ highest moral order.

      Democracy’s alleged opposite - broadly called “authoritarianism,” “autocracy” or "tyranny” - is cast as the ultimate evil. The stifling, oppressive boot of the state that curtails liberties and must be fought at all costs. This is the world in which we operate and the one where the United States and its satellite media and NGO allies fight to preserve and defend democracy.

      So how is “democracy” defined and how are those definitions used to justify American exceptionalism? Where do positive and negative rights come into play, and how do societal choices like illiteracy, poverty, and hunger factor into our notions of freedom?