• @k0sm0naut
    62 years ago

    This is straight up one of the goofiest ones that I’ve ever read. A person with a single brain cell could tell that it’s made up. But, it still made it to the front page of reddit lmao

  • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Yahoo News outright calling the DPRK a kingdom lmao

    edit: you can contact them at corrections@yahoonews.com if you want 🤷 not sure if it’s really helpful but calling the DPRK a kingdom is really taking it a step further and yahoo will probably correct it, because they didn’t use “alleged” or “de facto monarchy”, or “the country some call a monarchy”. The wording is different and important in this case.

    • Anarcho-Bolshevik
      52 years ago

      Anticommunists have been referring to Korea as ‘the hermit kingdom’ since the 19th century. Ellen Brun and Jacques Hersh noted this in Socialist Korea.