Hi all,

In reddit, I used to use /r/watercolor

How can I link to the ‘watercolor’ community here in lemmy?

Thank you

          • @Barbarian
            1011 months ago

            Yes, it’s a known issue. The devs are absolutely slammed with optimization issues, and this will probably get addressed at some point.

            • @bobslaede@feddit.dk
              511 months ago

              It’s the same issue with the link you just posted. The discussion in that thread just mentions how you can’t interact across instances. The link you posted is to a thread on lemmy.ml, and I’m only logged in to feddit.dk. Would be nice to be able to open the thread, and be able to comment straight away.
              Like the two, ambiguous, links to comments in the web ui. One links to my instance for the comment, the other to the original. The iconography could be better, but at least I can interact with one of them :)

        • @makingStuffForFunOP
          211 months ago

          Thank you. That is a lot harder than just adding a /c/ at the start for example. Going to be tricky on mobile to link to communities

          • @Barbarian
            211 months ago

            Yup, but this is early days yet. As issues get filed on the github and more contributors step in to accomplish stuff, things will improve.

      • @Lobstronomosity
        11 months ago

        Here it looks like the link is added when you make the comment, and the it is added directly to the formatting. I’m guessing you’re using an app or some other client to access Lemmy? On reddit, it just recognises the “/r/” and places the link on the front end.

  • @admin@lemmy.ptznetwork.org
    411 months ago

    I’m brand new to lemmy, but I think it works similarly to Reddit except you have to use the full instance URL and a ‘c’ instead of ‘r’.

    So, if your watercolor community is hosted on lemmy.ml, you could comment lemmy.ml/c/watercolor and have a link into it.