Is there a way to trigger Lemmy so it regenerates all of the pict-rs images? I mistakenly destroyed volumes/pictrs. I’ve since recreated the directory with the correct permissions and restarted everything, but now none of my posts have link preview thumbnails.

If I do a hard refresh of my browser I see the following in my log:

lemmy-pictrs-1    | 2023-06-03T20:24:40.564141Z  INFO HTTP request{http.method=GET http.route=/image/original/{filename} http.flavor=1.1 http.scheme=http http.client_ip= http.user_agent=Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 GET /image/original/{filename} otel.kind="server" request_id=6ad6bb97-8de7-4417-ab44-b81adc2611e4 trace_id=00000000000000000000000000000000 http.status_code=200 otel.status_code="OK"}:Serving file{range=None alias=Path("4ecd76ed-69be-4073-bafe-046897298828.png") store=Data(FileStore { path_gen: "generator", root_dir: "/mnt" })}: pict_rs: close time.busy=260µs time.idle=302µs

The target in question doesn’t exist on the filesystem anymore but it merrily wants to serve it anyway. Should I start over from scratch, or there a relatively easy way to correct this?