My site certificate only supports non-www addresses. So, when we try to access an image uploaded to the site we are getting a bad certificate warning because there is a ‘www’ in the address. Is there a solution for this?

  • @suspendedOP
    22 years ago

    Did you previously have set in docker-compose.yml? Maybe its still using the old setting.

    I may have. I don’t know how it could retain the old setting. Strange. Thanks for helping.

    • @nutomicMA
      22 years ago

      You need to run docker-compose up to reload the settings. With docker-compose restart, it keeps using the old settings.

      • @suspendedOP
        22 years ago

        I think I may have found something. Instead of using ‘restart’ with nginx shouldn’t I be using ‘reload’? See:

        reload: Gracefully restarts the Nginx service. On reload, the main Nginx process shuts down the child processes, loads the new configuration, and starts new child processes.

        • @nutomicMA
          2 years ago

          Either one should work. Anyway, this post shows that images are working correctly in new posts now. But you will have to edit old posts manually to remove the www from the url.

      • @suspendedOP
        12 years ago

        I’ve never used docker-compose restart. I always use docker-compose up.