Coming from a bash scripting background, Rust’s syntax is mind boggling. The code from HttpServer... to await? is a single object. Trying to figure out how it works is going to be my first task.

I will return later with results in the replies.

  // Create Http server with websocket support
  let settings_bind = settings.clone();
  HttpServer::new(move || {
    let context = LemmyContext::create(
    let rate_limiter = rate_limiter.clone();
      // The routes
      .configure(|cfg| api_routes::config(cfg, &rate_limiter))
      .configure(|cfg| lemmy_apub::http::routes::config(cfg, &settings))
      .configure(|cfg| images::config(cfg, &rate_limiter))
      .configure(|cfg| webfinger::config(cfg, &settings))
  .bind((settings_bind.bind, settings_bind.port))?
  • @tomltommyOPM
    2 years ago

    Initial observations

    HttpServer::new(move || { [1] }).bind[2].run().await?; is the basic structure. [1] consists of two parts,

    1. Defining the context and rate_limiter variables
    2. Setting up something called App:new()

    We see context being loaded as .app_data in App::new(), and rate_limiter being loaded into the config.

    Then routes are added.

    Part of what is unusual to me is defining variables within the server setup. But this may have something to do with the way Rust deals with variables. Since context has no meaning outside of this setup, better to use it here and throw it away once we’re done setting up the HttpServer?

    Whereas App::new() dealt with Lemmy specific app configuration and behavior, .bind appears to involve more generic HttpServer configuration stuff [2], including the port to bind to.

    Then the whole thing .run()s, and then .await?s for multithreading.