• ButtigiegMineralMap
    11 months ago

    So by that logic, as long as non-white people exist, then any and all horrid actions caused by Imperialism and Capitalism are justified 100%. They believe that as long as you look at the current situation, you can judge the inhabitants of that nation for all of its flaws and shortcomings. Example: Look at Afghanistan right now. If we are to believe the OP, then this is solely the fault of Afghan people for being “stupid” or something. Forget all context for why the situation is what it is, just judge it and don’t think twice. How about Ukraine? Are we to believe that the country is friendly to Fascism and they are losing a war because “they’re stupid” or are there bigger factors as play here? God what a dumb fucking post, they really thought that the IQ point was slick

    • @supersolid_snake@lemmygrad.ml
      411 months ago

      There is no logic to any of this shit. Sometimes these people just are who they are. Someone that just woke up white and thinks that makes them superior is not going to think too hard about this.

      I have always wondered for every feel good story about a white supremacist redeemed, how many actually double down.