“The blockchain provides us with an amazing opportunity to track the flow of money”, an agency head said in an AMA session on Reddit. The US Secret Service is a federal law enforcement agency primarily charged with protecting US political leaders, but it’s also tasked with safeguarding the financial system and fighting financial crime. The hosts also advised on how to keep transactions hidden from the authorities. The only viable way of securing secrecy in financial settlements turns out to be cash, they say.

  • @nutomicA
    311 months ago

    most adults know that second hand bikes are routinely stolen and resold for cash, and buying one without clear provenance is a risky endeavor,

    If police come after you because you bought a used bike, you already live in a police state. Most of the world isn’t like that.

    • @dax@beehaw.org
      511 months ago

      They aren’t coming for you, they’re taking the bike off you. So now you’re out $MoneyDollars and you don’t even have a bike to show for it.

      • @nutomicA
        011 months ago

        Luckily police in my country doesnt have time to go around stealing bikes.