I swear I’m so tired of seeing slave owner getting praised by so many people including celebrities who then influence millions of people to follow him and then make movies about him and whatnot for decades.

I can’t count how many times I saw someone famous of who I thought was a normal person and then came to know that he/she is literally worshipping a fucking slave owner! I just hope that people will finally see the truth of what he really is and finally stop this idiocy.

  • @gun
    111 year ago

    It’s crazy how liberals think China is authoritarian because the Dalai Lama has to live in exile. He took CIA money to train insurrectionists against China. Any country would have a big problem with someone who was working with foreign agents to topple their government. Then they try to imprison Trump for “working with Russia” based on a conspiracy theory. It’s complete hypocrisy.