I’ve just been getting up and running with a minimal distro lately and also discovered user-dirs.dirs, so I’m no longer bound by the standard auto-generated Home folders.

Looking to share and learn how other comrades organise their home directories. Any tips appreciated, and also just seeing how other people like to use and organise ~/ :-)

Here’s how I’ve organised ~/ on my new install so far:

* audio/
    * audiobooks/
    * music/
    * podcasts/
* books/
* documents/
* dotfiles/
* downloads/
* images/
    * photos/
    * screenshots/
    * wallpaper/
* opt/
* planner/
* projects/
* scripts/
* videos/
* workspace/

… plus all the hidden cruft that’s placed in home by various programs. I do my best to enforce the XDG_CONFIG_HOME standard but I’m still in the process of moving stuff into .config/.

Most of these are self-explanatory. opt/ is for software I build from source or otherwise not available in my package manager. planner/ is a git repo full of plain text and markdown files used to manage productivity and take notes. projects/ is my personal git repos containing stuff like my blog, creative writing etc. scripts/ is part of my $PATH and contains executable helper scripts such as setting a random wallpaper, fetching mail, etc. It’s also a git repo. workspace/ is actually the XDG_DESKTOP_DIR but renamed. My window manager doesn’t put files/folders on the actual desktop so I use this space for repos I contribute to for my job as well as transient tasks which require a folder structure for getting something done but which will likely be removed later. Basically stuff that’s not an actual personal “project” and I’m working on at the moment.

Things I’m thinking about:

  • alternative names for downloads/. There are three folders which start do meaning tab-complete only works on the third letter. Not ideal. I’ve seen some people use incoming/ but I keep flip-flopping on whether I like this or not.
  • Possibly renaming dotfiles/ to .dotfiles/ but then, I use it a fair amount at the moment.
  • adding an articles folder for academic articles and HTML blog posts I want to keep locally.
  • mrshll1001OP
    21 year ago

    ln -s mnt/hrd hrd

    Ok when you put it like that, that’s a lot less work! I might symlink the /media or /mnt mountpoints to home at some point.

    From your previous comment I picked up on “From there I’ll hard-link and rename files to relevant locations.”, which sounded like you did a lot manually. Obviously the ln command is quite easy to just fire off, but I must’ve misinterpreted because it I thought every time you downloaded something you’d symlink it manually.

    • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I’d be careful with /media since /media isn’t automatically mounted on boot, and is customarily used for temporary filesys. If you soft-linked to media the link would appear broken if the device was missing, usb, cd, external. If you have a permanent drive in media you should move it to mnt.

      mkdir /mnt/“name”


      # find /dev for /media – dev/sda2 mounted at /media/“user”/“name” –

      unmount /dev/“name” # if mounted

      mount /dev/“name” /mnt/“name”

      # For instance

      mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/“name”

      Alternatively use the gui. Mine is called “disks” and works well.

      If you prefer bash it’s important that you make the directory you intend to mount the device to first, as you can only mount to an existing, empty directory.

      But soft-linking to media will end up with broken links, which, at the very least, will look ugly.

    • @lxvi@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I generally will do a lot manually, say I download a movie using transmission. Those torrent files are under ~/hrd/downloads/transmission

      I have to leave that file there exactly as it is for it to seed, but I don’t want it there, I don’t like it’s name, and I don’t like the extra files.

      ls *string*

      ln “name” ../../movies/“new name”

      Now I have two files of the same inode (taking up a single amount of physical space), one readable and one serving the purpose of seeding.

      I wouldn’t do this for everything but for things I want to keep more permanently.

      It also serves another purpose: I can delete the file from the Transmission directory and it will still exist in the Movie directory, since an inode isn’t overwritten unless it has zero files pointing to it, so hard-linking provides an extra level of redundancy to prevent accidental erasure.

      This is also useful for indexing and creating playlists.

      celluloid .cel/unleashthearchers &

      Instead of

      celluloid ~/hrd/music/unleash_the_archers/*/*.{flac,mp3} &