I cannot not share this

  • @CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.mlOP
    171 year ago

    yes he sent this over on reddit on modmail.

    And he’s very mad we made it public:

    So from now on I’ll keep publicising everything he sends over “private” messaging.

    • @201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
      1 year ago

      I have 2 outdoor barn cats. We got them not too long ago as kittens. Adorable little shits. They have finally gotten old enough to start hunting. The other day I went to feed them breakfast and one cat was gone. I was very worried because these guys just DO NOT miss a meal right? Well I walked around for a while looking for him and couldn’t find him. Even when back into the forested areas around out house. Right before I went back in I here his frantic meowing and he is running up with a mouse in his mouth. He brings it up and drops it. It was then I realized the mouse was not entirely dead. It tried to crawl away and he proceeded to toss it around and “play” with it. I was pretty horrified by this as it’s basically torture. I told the cat to “just kill the poor thing.”

      After reading your response to that reddit modmail… “Just kill the poor thing.”…