I don’t know if I am missing a point or not but I don’t exactly quiet get the hype as to me, it just chrome with poor man’s uBlock Origin and their own crypto in the mix.

Like how it that different from me using ether Librewolf or even Google Chromium and install uBlock Origin compare to Brave?

  • @uthredii@beehaw.org
    1 year ago

    I don’t trust brave but it does have features out of the box that no other browser has:

    • web torrents
    • Tor in private tabs
    • The Kitten CultistOP
      41 year ago

      How does Brave Tor compared to the regular Tor browser? It is just work as the same or is there few stuff they added to make it much better?

      • @TheAnonymouseJokerM
        81 year ago

        Tor has completely broken application on Brave, and leaks a lot of information.

      • Sr Estegosaurio
        31 year ago

        Do not use it. Use only the Tor Browser since it’s designed to make all users look the same. (Preferrably inside of a Whonix VM.)

      • @uthredii@beehaw.org
        31 year ago

        I’m not too sure sorry, I haven’t really used it much other than testing it out when I found out a about it.

        I would imagine you have less control over specific Tor settings, but I am not 100% sure.