• @gun
    111 year ago

    Was America fascist when it was committing genocide of the native americans, enslaving africans, what about when it was segregated?

    Idk, to me this just epitomizes the type of thinking where we see fascism as the big evil and the more evil it is the more fascist it is. Arguably in the aggregate, most atrocious acts in the span of history have had nothing to do with fascism. I don’t think America has ever been a fascist country. That does not mean American history is not soaked in blood.

    So it really just exists as a slur, we wouldn’t even use it, if it was a bit harder to pronounce.

    I want to qualify this with the reminder that as watered down as the term fascism may be, Marxism-Leninism does have an analysis of fascism that cannot be discarded.

    To answer OP’s question, Ukraine is a good model for how fascism could come to America. Opposition media and parties get banned on the pretense that they pose a threat to national security. When Joe Biden says “democracy is on the ballot”, this is liberalism in contradiction with itself. How could democracy be on the ballot when the ballot IS democracy in a bourgeois republic? How long until certain candidates can be banned for posing a threat to “democracy”? The democrats and neoconservatives are now precisely two strides away from complete fascism.