• @OsrsNeedsF2P
    2 years ago

    Russians have blue eyes and blonde hair too…? Congrats on the friends but maybe also try thinking a bit

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      -92 years ago

      Russians are the ones invading. The point you’re replying to is that it’s taboo to invade countries with white people, not that white people can’t be criticized. Russia is being criticized in the west because they invaded a country with people who have blue eyes and blond hair.

      • @Evilsmiley@sh.itjust.works
        10 months ago

        Except Georgia and Chechnya didnt get any attention either.

        It’s a bit reductive to boil the whole thing down to race. Geography has a lot to do with it too, Ukraine being right between the E.U and Russia, and being an absolutely massive country itself.

        Politically, Ukraine has been aligning itself more towards western europe for a while, so again the west has a direct interest in supporting its ally.

        There are a lot of factors that should be considered together, just picking out one and using that to prop up your own agenda is dishonest.

        This btw doesnt mean that I’m absolving all in the west of racism, I’m sure there are many for whom that is the most important factor, but its definitely not the majority.

        It also doesnt mean that I think we shouldnt care about Syria, Georgia or Chechnya, I’m simply pointing out that there are more factors at play than race, and i dont think race is as big a factor as this post makes out.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          110 months ago

          Politically, Ukraine was neutral and tried to develop good relations with both the west and Russia. However, that wasn’t good enough for the west, and US decided Ukraine needed a color revolution that culminated in the 2014 coup that overthrew the legitimate democratically elected government. At that point Ukraine ended up in a civil war.

          There are of course more factors than race, what this ultimately comes down to is the geopolitical power struggle between the west and Russia over their respective spheres of influence.

          The race however is a big factor in how western public reacts to wars that western regimes involve themselves in. There have been a lot of mask off moment where western reporters talked about people with blue eyes and blond hair, while the chief EU diplomat actually referred to EU as a garden and the rest of the world as a jungle. The racism isn’t exactly hidden here.

      • @SgtThunderC_nt@lemmy.zip
        110 months ago

        So… Taiwan? If you’re gonna call out prejudice do it right. It’s more like how we don’t care for our homeless, if you’re less developed we just assume your country is going to be violent. And THAT is the disgusting part.

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          110 months ago

          What about Taiwan specifically, it’s a Chinese province as recognized by UN, and practically every country in the world including the US. The only reason there are tensions in Taiwan is due to US meddling there since the Chinese civil war ended. As with most problems in the modern world, US is the direct cause.

      • @OsrsNeedsF2P
        2 years ago

        My point was about Russians, you linked stuff about Ukrainians (and dumb reporters). Don’t send me to research your points for you

        • @TheAnonymouseJoker
          -32 years ago

          Looks like I was the one who did the… research, not you. How do you people come up with this much confidence on the keyboard?