No idea where else to post, but everyone needs to know that is an impostor instance and people must know about the real one. I have done my job to spread awareness at Room Discovery in Matrix. Doing it wherever it is announced on Lemmy instances.

Some specimens on Room Discovery and Lemmy Offtopic Matrix rooms:

  • Tempo
    252 years ago

    Good to see the Pleroma shitheads and Kiwifarms rejects have nothing better to do. Hopefully any instance worth it’s salt just defeds from them until they get bored and stop bothering.

    • @TheAnonymouseJoker@lemmygrad.mlOP
      162 years ago

      My guess is that it could also be Democrats, so that they can get to dunk on both their political rival and the rise of socialism, as NATO capitalism destroys itself. It could also be Trumpsters, who knows.