• maxmoon
    22 years ago

    But why does slaughter waste sounds healthier for you than cooked wind turbine blades?

    Those blades definitely have fibers and you need fibers :P

    • @guojing
      12 years ago

      Well people have been eating meat for a long time. Cant say the same about wind turbine blades.

      • maxmoon
        12 years ago

        Only because people are doing something for a long time or tradition, doesn’t mean it is good.

        • 150 years ago we burned women, which were called “witches”
        • 150 years ago we still had slaves and we bought them like vacuum cleaners. If they break, you throw them away.
        • 80 years ago gay people were treated like sick people and were even tortured.

        And we stopped with all of it.