• @dragnucs
    22 years ago

    There are frameworks for this but not actual flows. As @Ephera said, you need to use what works best for the team. So what make an assumption, suggest it to the team and give it a try, if it works, keep doing it, if it does not, try fix or improving it until you find out what works best for you.

    You need these elements in almost all projects

    • Global architectural design
    • Systems design
    • WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)
    • Ticketing system where an issue is an atomic non divisible task
    • Set of status for each issue
    • Definition of done
    • RACI matrix
    • Daily meetings
    • Some rules or guidelines to describe quality of code, the stack, techniques, how to chose and add dependencies, etc. Lint and SAST, static analysis, etc. fall in here.