Especially when communists are on the table, they just always lean fucking fascist.

  • @DPUGT2
    02 years ago

    Because – and this is going to be difficult to accept – they don’t like communism/socialism and don’t ever want to live within a million miles of where it stands a snowball’s chance of ever happening.

    Some of that has to do with the fact that, once socialists tend to feel empowered, they don’t give anyone the option of not living in that manner.

    If your home is infested with cockroaches, those wildfires stop looking like disaster and a little more like a solution.

    • comfy
      2 years ago

      This doesn’t answer the question.

      • @DPUGT2
        12 years ago

        It does. The wildfires stop looking like a disaster, and start looking like a solution.

        • comfy
          12 years ago

          Point taken, I missed that last line.