I have been using linux for about 2 years now and I have enjoyed every second of it. What in your opinion is the best package manager the linux community has ever offered to us? dpkg, apt, yum, pacman, xbps, zypp, nix, guix, portage, 0install and other tons of them that are out there.

  • @jwinnie
    14 years ago

    Definitely xbps (Void’s package manager).

    • Really fast, slightly faster than pacman.
    • You can quit in the middle of a package download and it will pick it right up when you run the command again.
    • It can show which packages you manually installed (xbps-query -l -m).
    • It can draw really sophisticated dependency graphs for packages.
    • It has a sophisticated and customizable hook system that can, for example, automatically update your EFI boot entries when you update the kernel.
    • It can automatically track dynamic library dependencies and supports partial upgrades.