Edit: would it make sense to write a script that compares firefox and librewolf versions that’ll remind me when it is not up to date anymore?

If you abandon librewolf, how will I, a user, know that it won’t get updated anymore?

I know that the librewolf extension exist for the windows users that checks if it is up to date but what if librewolf is not up to date with firefox anymore?

As this is my first post here, thank you guys for your work! Librewolf makes it very easy for anyone to have a very good privacy browser.

  • @fishonthenetM
    62 years ago
    • install via a package manager. on linux whatever your distro offers or flatpak or whatever, on mac use brew, on win we offer choco and winget.
    • if we abandon the project we would announce it for sure.
    • check that commits are regular on gitlab: the source and the settings repo are the most active ones.
    • Jay Baker (he/they)
      32 years ago

      Thanks for this response. I love LibreWolf and would happily subscribe to any newsletters / mailing lists too if there was something like that in future. A sure way to be updated on important announcements!